Happiness could be found in very small circumstances, today, let’s see how these small circumstances lift your mood.
1. Finding a parking space in a crowded lot.
2. When your favorite artist comes out with new music. Music has a direct influence on your mood — even sad songs can evoke positive emotions. Turn the volume up.
3. Finding money in your pocket. It's like your own miniature version of winning the lottery.
在口袋里找到钱 。这就像你自己中了迷你版的彩票。
4. Crawling into bed with fresh sheets. There's just something about a well-made bed that instantly puts your mind at ease.
5. Listening to a baby giggle. Honestly, there's no better sound in the world. Go on and laugh with them — studies show laughing can boost your happiness and even lower your blood pressure.
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