1. Expression:in the bucks
Explanation:To be wealthy; having lots of money. (很有钱,经济很宽裕)
Example:You're in the bucks now that you got the inheritance from Aunt Louise.
She knew by hearsay that the Brainerds were in the bucks and socially significant.
The club faced bankruptcy until a local businessman who is in the bucks bailed them out.
俱乐部那时眼看就要破产, 後来本地有位富商鼎力相助, 才摆脱困境。
Business was bad for Chen after he started his shop, and the first two years he lost money. But he hung on, business picked up and he set up other shops. Now he's in the bucks - he has enough money to last him the rest of his life.
陈刚开店后,生意很不好,头两年他还亏了钱。但是,他坚持了下来,后来生意逐渐好起来,他又开了其他的铺子。现在,他可有钱了, 他的钱足够让他用一辈子的。
2. Expression:high-hat
Explanation:snobbish and arrogant. (瞧不起人的,傲慢的,势力的)
Example: He said that he couldn't believe old classmates could be that high-hat.
He is a high-hat fellow, always talks through his nose.
Jane feels she can never compete with these high-hat, elegant people.
We have no need for relatives who are such stingy, high-hat parvenus as that.
3. Expression:in the chips
Explanation:To be wealthy; having lots of money. (很有钱,经济很宽裕)
Example: A: People in the chips are prone to high-hat others.
B: Yes, I agree with you.
"He must be in the chips, the way he talks," said Lola.