1. clam up
释义:To suddenly stop talking or refuse to speak. (拒不开口,突然停止说话)
e.g. Naturally, everyone clammed up as soon as the check came.
e.g. Our usual informant clammed up when he realized there was a mole in the department.
e.g. The minute they got him in for questioning, he clammed up.
e.g. The suspect clam up when lawyer ask about his girlfriend
2. get carried away
释义1:To be so focused on doing something that you don't notice anything else, and lose track of time. (表示过度的热情,兴奋,激情等,忘乎所以)
e.g. She started getting carried away during her story, frantically describing every detail of what happened.
Sorry, I got a little carried away there—I just love talking about my favorite artists!
释义2:To do something more than is necessary. (做不必要做的事情)
e.g. It's easy to get carried away with redecorating once you get started.
e.g. I was just planning to clean the bathroom, but I got carried away and did all the windows and the floors, too.
3. sweep someone off one’s feet
释义:To cause someone to be admiring or infatuated. (使某人爱慕或迷恋)
e.g. A:Is Lucy still gushing about her new boyfriend?
B: Yeah, he must have really swept her off her feet.
e.g. His dynamic wooing in turn swept her off her feet and they were married in London a few months after his exams.
e.g. After seeing the film, the heroine in it swept Peter off his feet.