1. goat
释义:Person who is blamed or punished for the wrongdoing of somebody else. (替罪羊)
例句:e.g. I was made the goat, but it was the others who started the fire.
e.g. They ask me to join the party so that I'll be their goat when trouble comes.
他们想叫我入伙, 出了乱子, 好让我替他们垫背。
A: You mean you want me to the goat for your muerdering? Pipe dreams.
B: Calm down, dude. Listen to me. I promise to give you 1 million dollars for it.
2. whipping boy
释义:Someone who is punished for someone else's misdeeds. (替罪羊,替人受罪的人)
例句:e.g. Bobby got tired of being the whipping boy for the mischief caused by his older brothers.
e.g. Video games have become the whipping boy for the violent behavior displayed by today's youth.
e.g. The directors are clearly responsible for what happened, but they’re sure to find a whipping boy in the company.
e.g. It was your fault, and I am not going to be whipping boy for you.
e.g. The president has turned out to be the whipping boy for his party.
今天,我们学习了2个表示“替罪羊”的表述法:goat和whipping ship,希大家通过不同的例句来领会它们的意思和掌握它们的用法。