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Group 1:

I don't think Ken and Jill are seeing each other anymore.

Poor Alice. Her husband just told her that e has bee seeing another woman.

I know that's Mel's wife standing next to him. But who's the other woman that he has his arm around?

Wendy came home early from work and found Ron in bed with another woman! Can you believe it?

Commie sleeps with a different guy every night.

What did you do when you discovered that you weren't the only woman Pete was dating.

I heard you and George had a big fight!

Did you know that Bonnie and Anthony have been seeing a marriage counselor?

Our divorce went very smoothly.

By the end of your divorce, what are you hoping to get from Bob.

Group 2:

I dropped him like a hot potato.

Everything I'm taking him to the cleaners!

Why? Did you both sign a pre-nup?

Of course! I knew he'd get busted one of these days.

It didn't last long. We already patched things up.

No, but I'm not surprised. Their marriage has been on the rock for a long time.

What a tramp!

Really? When did you broke up.

That's his mistress. It seems pretty strange but they all live together.

How long has this affair been going on?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
counselor ['kaunsələ]


n. 顾问,参事,法律顾问 =counsellor

smoothly [smu:ðli]


adv. 平滑地,流畅地


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