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首先,我们来复习一下我们前些日子学习到了生动、有趣而新鲜的new phrasesto get hitchedto pop the questionto rob the cradlesugar daddyto be crazy about each otherto make outto get a roomto go togetherto be shacked upto knock someone up


Jane: You are not going to believe this. Debbie and Ken are getting hitched next month! He finally popped the question last night.

Nancy: You've got to be kidding. Ken is so much older than she is. He's robbing the cradle. Well, Debbie has always wanted a sugar daddy and now she's going to have one. I have to admit, they do seem crazy about each other. I mean, they'er always making out in public.

Jane: I know. I hate that. Get a room!

Nancy: Well, they have been going together for three years and have been shacked up for one year. I guess they wanted to make it official.

Nancy: Either that or Ken knocked her up and now they want to get married before their parents find out. But you didn't hear it from me!


1. have got to

解析:have got to的意思是“必须,不得不”。

例句:We have got to review these ancient articles we have learnt.(我们要把学过的文言文内容复习好。)

2. so much

解析:so much的意思是“这么,非常”。它做定语,修饰不可数名词。它也可以做名词用 。

例句:He had truly never seen so much spirit in the girl before.(在以前,他真的没有看见过这个姑娘这么兴高采烈。)

So much for the explanation of the text. Now let's retell it.(课文就解释到这里,现在让我们复述课文。)

3. in public

解析:in public是副词性短语,意思是“公开地,公众地”。例如:

例句:He is backward in giving his views in public.(他怯于在公众场所发表意见。)

4. either ...or...


例句:You must either go at once or wait till tomorrow. (你要么马上走,要么等到明天。)

We can finish the work either this week or next week. (不是这星期就是下星期我们就可完成这项工作。)

You can have either this one or that one. (你拿这个或那个都可以。)

5. find out

解析:find out的意思是“发现”“查明”。

例句:I shall make it my business to find out who is responsible.(我要查出是谁的责任。)

Kyle cheated on the test and hoped the teacher wouldn't find out.(凯尔考试作弊,还希望教师没有发现。)

6. hear something from someone

解析:hear something from somebody的意思是“从某人嘴里得知某事”,注意介词用from

例句:I hear the bad news from my patients.(我是从我的病人那儿听到这个坏消息的。)

7. get married

解析:get married的意思是“结婚”,表示从未婚到结婚,所以用getMarried是动词marry的过去分词,做形容词用。

例句:I' ll never get married because it' s like signing your life away !(我可不结婚,因为结婚就像签了卖身契一样!)

She didn't get married until she was well into middle age.(她步入中年后才结婚。)

Lesson 2:《肯求婚了!》的phrases到今天就学习完了。短语在于日积月累,到了表达的时候就游刃有余了。That is all for today. See you!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
explanation [.eksplə'neiʃən]


n. 解释,说明

rob [rɔb]


v. 抢劫,掠夺


关键字: 英语 点滴




