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2分钟英语口语课堂(视频+中英文本) 第129期:旅馆退房 Checking out

来源:可可英语 编辑:ivy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Getting Your Luggage Picked.

Stephanie: We're checking out. Could you send someone to pick our luggage?
Stephanie: 我们要退房了,你能让别人接一下我们的行李吗?
Receptionist: Yes, Ma'am! How many pieces of luggage do you have?
Receptionist: 好的,女士!你有多少件行李?
Stephanie: Only two, but they're large and heavy suitcases. Oh...and yes…There are some shopping bags too.
Stephanie: 只有两个,但是又大又沉。哦......,对了,这里也有两个购物袋。
Receptionist: I'll send the bellboy over.
Receptionist: 我发给行李员。
Stephanie: Okay. Thank you.
Stephanie: 好,谢谢。
Receptionist: You're welcome.
Receptionist: 不客气。
Paying the Bill.
Tracy: Good morning. Room 256. Check-out, please.
Tracy: 早上好,256室,退房。
Receptionist: Are you Miss Tracy?
Receptionist: 您是Tracy小姐吗?
Tracy: Yes, that's right.
Tracy: 是的,我是。
Receptionist: Have you consumed anything from the mini-bar?
Receptionist: 你有没有在小酒吧消费?
Tracy: Yeah… A couple of beers and a bottle of water.
Tracy: 是的......两杯啤酒和一杯水。
Receptionist: Alright, so adding that to your total, it comes to $579.
Receptionist: 好,加起来一共是579美元。
Tracy: Okay. I also wanna order some coffee from the room-service.
Tracy: 好,我想喝点咖啡,送到房间里来。
Receptionist: No problems, I'll get that sent to your room.
Receptionist: 没问题,我给您送到房间里来。
Tracy: Great! Please include that in the bill.
Tracy: 好!加到账单里。
Receptionist: Sure! Your new total is $585.
Receptionist: 好!现在一共是585美元。
Tracy: Great, please send me the bill.
Tracy: 好,请把账单给我。
Wrong Billing.
Receptionist: ABC Hotel. How can I help you?
Receptionist: ABC旅馆,有什么需要帮助的吗?
Tom: Hi there…I was just going through my bill and I found a charge for laundry.
Tom: 嘿,这里......我仔细看了一下我的账单,我看到有一项洗衣费。
Reception: Okay?
Receptionist: 嗯?
Tom: Well, I didn't get any laundry service during my stay. I don't understand why I've been charged for that.
Tom: 嗯,我在这里没有使用过洗衣服务,我不明白为什么要收费。
Reception: Is that so? I'm awfully sorry, Sir. Let me get this checked… I'll send you a revised bill.
Reception: 是这样吗?真抱歉,先生,我再看看......我会给你一张改过的新账单。
Tom: Please do so… It's very irritating being charged for something you didn't buy.
Tom: 好,请......为一些你没用过的付钱真的很让人生气。
Reception: I truly apologize, Sir. This was a mistake. I'll get it removed right away.
Receptionist: 真的很抱歉,这是我的失误,我马上把它拿走。
Tom: Alright, thanks for the help.
Tom: 好,谢谢您的帮助。
Asking For a Taxi.
Front Desk: Good morning. What can I do for you today?
Front Desk: 早上好,今天我能帮您做些什么吗?
Tom: Good morning, buddy! I'm checking out later today, and I want a taxi to the airport.
Tom: 早上好,伙计!今天我待会要退房,我想叫辆出租车去机场。
Front Desk: Alright. What time do you need it for, Sir?
Front Desk: 好,你什么时候用,先生?
Tom: Say about 10.30. My flight is at 12.30.
Tom: 大概10:30,12:30的飞机。
Front Desk: Okay… What kind of taxi do you want?
Front Desk: 好,你想要什么样的飞机?
Tom: Nothing special, mate. Just the regular stuff.
Tom :不要特别的,伙计,一般的就行。
Front Desk: No problems. I'll have a taxi waiting for you at 10.30.
Front Desk: 没问题,我给你叫车10:30等你。
Tom: Great! Thank you.
Tom: 好,谢谢你。
Leaving The Hotel.
Bellboy: Your taxi is waiting and the luggage is already in the car.
Bellboy: 车来了在等你,行李已经在车上了。
Tom: Great job! Thank you for the excellent service during our stay.
Tom: 干的漂亮!
Bellboy: Thank you. It was a pleasure serving you.
Bellboy: 谢谢,很荣幸为您服务。
Tom: Well, here's a little tip for you.
Tom: 好,这是你的小费。
Bellboy: Thank you, Sir.
Bellboy: 谢谢,先生。
Tom: Alright, goodbye then.
Tom: 好,再见。
Bellboy: Goodbye. Wish you a enjoyable trip.
Bellboy: 再见,旅行愉快。
Tom: Thanks, buddy!
Tom: 再见伙计!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
luggage ['lʌgidʒ]


n. 行李

apologize [ə'pɔlədʒaiz]


vi. 道歉,谢罪

laundry ['lɔ:ndri]


n. 洗衣店,要洗的衣服,洗衣

mate [meit]


n. 伙伴,配偶,同事
vt. 使 ... 配

flight [flait]


n. 飞行,航班
n. 奇思妙想,一段楼

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

irritating ['iriteitiŋ]


adj. 刺激的,使愤怒的,气人的 动词irritate





