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Help me find my purse 帮我找钱包

来源:可可英语 编辑:max   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Barbara: Adam, can you do me a favor?

芭芭拉: 亚当,你能帮我个忙吗?
亚当: 当然。
BarbaraI can't find my purse. Can you help me?
芭芭拉: 我找不到我的钱包啦,你能帮我一下吗?
AdamNo problem, I'll help you look for it.
亚当: 没问题,我会帮你找的。
芭芭拉: 谢谢。
Adam: What color is it?
亚当: 钱包是什么颜色的?
Barbara: It's black.
芭芭拉: 是黑色的。
AdamDid you look in the kitchen?
亚当: 你在厨房找过了吗?
BarbaraYes, I already looked there.
芭芭拉: 是的,我已经看过了。
AdamI'll look in the living room.
亚当: 我去客厅看看。
BarbaraDid you find it?
芭芭拉: 你找到了吗?
Adam: No. It's not in there. When was the last time you saw it?
亚当: 没有,那儿没有。你最后一次是什么时候看到它的?
Barbara: I had it when I went to the library this morning.
芭芭拉: 今天早上去图书馆时我还看到它啦。
Adam: Do you think you might have left it there?
亚当: 你觉得你有可能把它忘在图书馆了吗?
Barbara: Maybe. I'll call the library and ask them if anyone found it.
芭芭拉: 有可能。那我打电话到图书馆问一下有没有人看到它。
Adam: Wait! Is this it?
亚当: 等一下。这个是吗?
Barbara: Yes, That's it. That's my purse. Thanks for helping me find it.
芭芭拉: 是的,就是它,这是我的钱包,谢谢你的帮助。




