Michelle: Hello, Henry. Did your interview at the US Embassy go well?
Henry: An incident came up. I nearly ruined it all.
Michelle: What happened?
Henry: There is a string of documents required for the application, application form, passport, photograph, bank receipt, resume, financial proofs and so on. They told me there would be no fixed format and interview would be very flexible.
Michelle: You got nervous and left some document at home?
Henry: No. I gathered all these and checked them several times before I went. During the interview, they asked about my program, my plan and then when it came to the financial proofs, I was asked to present a property ownership certificate. I thought, but it was not on the list!
Michelle: Did you say that to the interviewer?
Henry: Although I was confused, I told them I didn't have it with me and I would mail it to the embassy later. They agreed.
Michelle: I think you have done well.