Lose-Lose situation “双输”
No matter who gets elected, it's going to be a lose-lose situation: 不管他们谁当选,我觉得都是一场没有赢家的选举
Many people feel this is a sad and embarrassing election: 很多美国人觉得这是一次很悲哀、很让人羞愧的总统大选
We've stooped to a new low: 我们陷入了一个政治新低谷
Why does it make you sad and embarrassed? 这次的选举,为什么让你那么沮丧?
Well, where do I start? 我该从何说起啊?
Let's start with the basics: 那从最基本的说吧
The presidential election: 总统大选
The two nominees are running for president: 两位候选人竞选总统
The presidential campaign: 总统竞选 (名词)
Campaigning to be the president: 竞选总统 (动词)
What we heard at the begnning of the show aren't debate highlights: 我们节目开头放的那段可不是辩论精华
They are lowlights:我觉得是最让人羞耻的部分
Low blow: 低级的相互攻击
The debates don't seem presidential at all: 辩论没有一点总统风范
Trump and Hillary are just going at it with each other: 特朗普和希拉里就是对骂、互撕
Insulting each other: 相互侮辱
Attack & Smear 攻击抹黑
Attack ads: 攻击广告
Smear campaign: 抹黑
He/she is the worst person in the world. Don't vote for him/her: 相互指责对方是世上最坏的人,你们千万别选他/她
The debates this year are a new low because they are not policy-focused: 今年的辩论创了新低点,因为都没好好谈政策、政见
They're just accusing each other of doing bad things and being even worse than their opponent: 两人就是相互指责对方比自己更糟
"I did something bad but you did something even worse": 我是做了错事,但你更差
Media and politics 政治娱乐化
Media and politics have merged: 娱乐和政治的界限已经模糊
It's a huge problem: 是个大问题
The election is like a big TV show: 这次选举完全像个娱乐节目
Ads for the Presidential debates look like ads for boxing matches: 比如总统辩论的广告,风格就像拳击比赛
It's sensational: 渲染、炒作
The media sensationalize things for ratings: 媒体为了收视率极力渲染
Moral issues for both 两人道德都成问题
If you're running for office, you have to have the moral fibres: 如果你出来选总统,那你要有基本的道德水准
Last week, there was a tape of Trump saying terrible things about women: 上周,爆出一则特朗普私下极不尊重女性言论的录影带
This kind of issues is important but it shouldn't be the focus of the debates: 这些道德问题当然重要,但是不应该是辩论的焦点
The focus should be on policies and how they would implement policies if elected: 焦点应该是政策,如果当选如何落实政策
Instead, Trump and Hillary just keep talking about how much the other person sucks: 但是,特兰普和希拉里都在互相对骂
Many polls show that Trump and Hillary are the most unpopular candidates ever:
Trump says a lot of inflammatory things: 特朗普有很多挑衅、煽动性的言论
It's somewhat easier to understand why he's unpopular: 比较容易理解为什么很多人不喜欢他
But why is Hillary so unpopular? 但为什么那么多人也不喜欢希拉里?
Why don't Americans like Hillary?
There are a lot of issues with her: 她的问题很多啊
She's had a long political career: 她确实政治经验丰富
She's more fit to be running from that point: 这个角度说,她更具备总统的条件
Donald Trump is totally unfit to be the president of the United States: 特朗普是完全不够格的
But she's got her email server problem; Wallstreet speeches...: 但是希拉里有邮件门、给华尔街投行做高酬劳演讲等问题
Obama, don't go! 现在觉得奥巴马真好
You want your country to be progressing: 你当然希望自己的国家往积极的方向发展
I'm an idealist. I hope our next President will be better than the previous one: 我是个理想主义者,我希望下一届总统比上一届好
But it seems we have two people second or even third to Obama: 但是,现在看来两位候选人远不如奥巴马
That's just sad: 这多悲哀啊
We didn't want Hillary 8 years ago, we chose Obama: 我们8年前已经没有选择希拉里,而是奥巴马了
But we are choosing her because there's no other choice: 但是现在没其他选择,只好选她吗?
It's saddening: 真令人悲哀
Vote for nobody 这两个人,我谁都不想投
Many millennials who are more left-wing and more likely to vote Democrat don't want to vote for Hillary":即使是比较倾向投民主党的年轻人也有很多不会给希拉里投票
They think she can't be trusted: 他们完全不信任她
She's not trustworthy: 她的诚信有问题
Many think she seems fake: 很多人觉得她很假,不诚实
They don't want to vote in this election: 很多人因此都不想投票了
They seem to be giving up on the system: 好像对体制绝望了
But that's not a good move either: 但这也不是个好方法
I feel it too. I'm definitely not voting for him, but I don't want to vote for her either: 我完全有这个体会。我既不想投他,也不想投她
But I don't have anyone else to vote for? 但是又能投给谁?
If I don't vote, I won't have any effect on the system. That's even worse: 如果不投,那起不到任何影响,不是更糟吗?
It's a Catch-22
It's a Catch-22: 真是左右为难、一条死胡同
Catch 22原来是一条美国军规。约瑟夫·赫勒的黑色幽默小说《第二十二条军规》出版后,由于小说巨大的影响,这个词成为了美语中的固定说法。
Damned if you do; damned if you don't: 你投票也不行、不投也不行
I love living in China. My life feels good here: 还好我在中国, 在这儿很快乐
It's a freightening time to be living in the US: 这段时期的美国让我觉得很恐怖