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色拉英语乐园学口语 第61课:双人间

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Lesson 61 Room for two

Good evening, sir.晚上好,先生。

Good evening. 晚上好。

I’d like a room, please. 我想要一间房间。

A room for one, sir? 您一个人住吗?

Actually, a room for two, to be exact. 不确切的说还有我的朋友。

I’m terribly sorry. 很抱歉。

But all of our double rooms are taken. 我们的双人房已经住满了。

How about a single room with an extra bed? 一个单人房,再加一个床铺怎么样?

That’s fine, but I don’t need the extra bed. 好啊,我要一个单人间,床铺就不要加了。

Sir, for your comfort, 为了您和您和朋友睡得舒服,

I suggest the extra bed. 我还是建议您加一个床铺。

I’m sure one will be enough. 我想一张床就够了。

Very well. 好吧。

How many nights, sir? 要住多久,先生?

Just one. 就一晚。

All right! 好的!

Would you like to leave a message for your friend when he arrives? 要给您的朋友留个口信吗?

That’s not necessary, he’s right here. 不用了,他已经在这儿了。


Room 房间/ extra 额外的/ bed 床/ comfort 舒适/ message 口信,消息/


I’d like …. 我想。。。。

I’d like a room, please. 我想要一间房间。

I’d like to have a cup of coffee. 我想要杯咖啡。

I’d like to visit the Jinmao Building. 我想参观金贸大厦。

I’m terribly sorry, but … 很抱歉,但。。。

I’m terribly sorry, but all of our double rooms are taken. 很抱歉,但我们的双人房已经住满了。

I’m terribly sorry, but the tickets are all sold out. 很抱歉,但票已售完。

I’m terribly sorry, but there’re no rooms available. 很抱歉,但没有空房间了。

How about a single room with an extra bed? 一个单人房,再加一个床辅怎么样?

Sir, for your comfort, I suggest the extra bed. 为了您和您的朋友睡得舒服,我还是建议您加一个床铺。

四、leave a message 留口信

would you like to leave a message for your friend when he arrives? 要给您的朋友留个口信吗?

Can I leave a message for him? 我能不能给他留个口信?

That’s not necessary. 不用了。

Good evening ! 晚上好!/ a double room 双人房/ for your comfort, …为了您的舒适,….

For your comfort, I suggest you have a double room. 为了您的舒适,我建议您要一个双人房.

Room 房间/ extra 额外的/ bed 床/ good evening! 晚上好!/ a double room 双人房/ for your comfort,…为了您的舒适,….

重点单词   查看全部解释    
comfort ['kʌmfət]


n. 舒适,安逸,安慰,慰藉
vt. 安慰,使

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的





