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白领英语口语速查(MP3+双语字幕) 第23期:加班(1)

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  • 加班 Overtime
  • 加班
  • work overtime =work extra hours
  • I have to work overtime today.
  • Lots of work,huh?
  • 加班费
  • overtime pay
  • Do we get overtime pay?
  • Yes,it's 1.5 times for workday overtime,and 2 times for weekends.
  • 加班申请
  • request for overtime
  • I just submitted a request for overtime.
  • I'll have a look and see if it is necessary.
  • 加班餐
  • overtime meals
  • How about overtime meals?
  • You can call this number to order a meal,
  • or you can go out for a meal and report the expense.
  • 补休/调休
  • take off later
  • I have worked overtime for these weekends.
  • You can take some time off later.
  • 定期加班
  • work overtime regularly/on a regular basis
  • I work overtime regularly.
  • Really? Don't you get very tired after a while?
  • I've been accustomed to it.
  • How often does it happen?
  • Almost once a week.
  • 我已经有安排了。
  • I already have plans/arrangements.
  • Sally,can you work late this evening?
  • Why? I don't understand.
  • There's some extra work that has to be done today.
  • You mean to work overtime? I'm sorry but I already have plans.
  • 必须加班才能完成
  • work overtime to get it done
  • Can you finish it today?
  • No way,I have to work overtime to get it done.
  • 留到明天做
  • leave it for tomorrow
  • =put it off until tomorrow
  • I need to finish the project tonight before I go to bed.
  • Why don't you leave it for tomorrow?
  • Today is the deadline.
  • 熬夜/通宵
  • stay up
  • Let's get it done even if we have to stay up all night.
  • I'm game.
  • 连着几天加班
  • work overtime for days
  • You look worn out today.
  • Yes,I feel miserable when I work overtime for days.
  • 忙得连轴转
  • work round


加班 Overtime

work overtime =work extra hours

A: I have to work overtime today.
B: Lots of work,huh?

overtime pay

A: Do we get overtime pay?
B: Yes,it's 1.5 times for workday overtime,and 2 times for weekends.

request for overtime

A: I just submitted a request for overtime.
B: I'll have a look and see if it is necessary.

overtime meals

A: How about overtime meals?
B: You can call this number to order a meal,
or you can go out for a meal and report the expense.

take off later

A: I have worked overtime for these weekends.
B: You can take some time off later.

work overtime regularly/on a regular basis

A: I work overtime regularly.
B: Really? Don't you get very tired after a while?
A: I've been accustomed to it.
B: How often does it happen?
A: Almost once a week.

I already have plans/arrangements.

A: Sally,can you work late this evening?
B: Why? I don't understand.
A: There's some extra work that has to be done today.
B: You mean to work overtime? I'm sorry but I already have plans.

work overtime to get it done

A: Can you finish it today?
B: No way,I have to work overtime to get it done.

leave it for tomorrow=put it off until tomorrow

A: I need to finish the project tonight before I go to bed.
B: Why don't you leave it for tomorrow?
A: Today is the deadline.

stay up

A: Let's get it done even if we have to stay up all night.
B: I'm game.

work overtime for days

A: You look worn out today.
B: Yes,I feel miserable when I work overtime for days.

work round the clock

A: Your office staff seems so busy.
B: You're right,we work round the clock every day.

keep working =keep on with my work

A: Though I'm very tired every day,I will keep working till the project is done.
B: Good job!You can take a long break when it's done.

I'm so busy that I think I'm going to die.=I'm so busy that I could die.

A: I'm so busy that I think I'm going to die.
B: We are all in the same boat.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
request [ri'kwest]


n. 要求,请求
vt. 请求,要求

accustomed [ə'kʌstəmd]


adj. 习惯了的,通常的

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

miserable ['mizərəbl]


adj. 悲惨的,痛苦的,贫乏的





