1. Don't forget to take your laundry detergent , shower gel, shampoo and facial cleanser.
洗衣服在英文中叫做do the laundry,洗衣的时候洗衣液或者洗衣粉是必不可少的。洗衣液叫做 laundry detergent。Detergent是“清洁剂,去垢剂”的意思。那么由此联想一下“洗洁精”叫做什么呢?——Dish-washing detergent.由于洗洁精通常都是液体状,所以我们也说Dishwashing liquid洗洁精。粉末在英文中叫做powder,所以洗衣粉也可以说washing powder。Showing gel是沐浴露,gel是“凝胶,胶体”的意思。Shampoo是洗发露,音译过来后我们也说洗发香波。而洗面奶叫做facial cleanser。虽然住旅馆这些东西都有,但带上自己特地买的洗浴用品更卫生。Don’t forget to take your laundry detergent , hower gel, shampoo and facial cleanser. 不要忘记带上洗衣液、沐浴露、洗发水和洗面奶。
2. Can I make international calls and have an internet link in my room?
住旅馆的时候,上网是一个很重要的事情。如何来询问服务员可不可以上网呢?“上网”的表达很多:surf the internet是最常见的表达方式,你还可以说have/get an internet connection, have an internet link /have internet access。后面两种表达就比较高级了。来听两个句子:Can I make international calls and have an internet link in my room? 我可以在房间里打国际长途和上网吗?Does it have Internet access? Is there a pool or a gym in the building? 可以上网吗?这间旅馆有游泳池或是健身房吗?
3. There are sign-in sheets there. Thanks.
有的人喜爱独自出游,有的人喜欢跟团,如果是跟团,上车后出发前导游会点名,当然也会有导游直接让你签到。“签”的英文很简单——sign,比如签名就是sign up your name,短语sign up或者sign in都可以表示“签到”,签到表则是sign-in sheet。There are sign-in sheets there. Thanks. 签到表在那,谢谢。Please go in and sign up. 请进来并签到。
背景音乐:Pitbull - Celebrate