今天分享的这个词组是“scope out ”,意为“ 仔细研究,仔细打量 check out or take a closer look at.”.
I scoped out some cheap fabric in bedding places down on Houston Street. 我在Houston街的床上用品店淘了些便宜的布料。
let's go scope out that new grocery store .我们去那家新开的杂货店去淘一淘吧!
Dave is scoping out all the girls. Dave 正在仔细打量所有的眉妹!
今天分享的这个词组是“booty call ”,意为“ (短信或电话等找人上床,约炮 a meeting to have casual sex”.
It’s not a date. It’s booty call. 这不是约会。这是约炮。
He just text-ed me to have a booty call.他刚发信息跟我约炮。
You can't judge a guy by one night in the sack ,but a couple of booty calls can offer plenty of personality clues.你无法用一晚的床上表现来评定一个男人,但是几次做爱后可以看出很多个性的线索。