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- The trial took place in the absence of the defendant.
- 审判在被告缺席的情况下进行。
- I think it is not fair for the defndant.
- 我觉得这对被告不公平。
- The trial was in progress in the absence of the defendant.
- 审判在被告缺席的情况下进行。
- The trial went on in the absence of the defendant.
- 审判在被告缺席的情况下进行。
- The trial was underway in the absence of the defendant.
- 审判在被告缺席的情况下进行。
- When will the court hear the case?
- 法院什么时候审理此案?
- The case is listed to hear next week.
- 该案已被安排在下周审理。
- The case is arranged to hear next week.
- 该案已被安排在下周审理。
- The case is planed to hear next week.
- 该案已被安排在下周审理。
- The case is fixed up to hear next week.
- 该案已被安排在下周审理。
A:The trial took place in the absence of the defendant.
B:I think it is not fair for the defndant.
The trial was in progress in the absence of the defendant.
The trial went on in the absence of the defendant.
The trial was underway in the absence of the defendant.
A:When will the court hear the case?
B:The case is listed to hear next week.
The case is arranged to hear next week.
The case is planed to hear next week.
The case is fixed up to hear next week.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/kouyu/201310/260699.shtml
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单词defendant 联想记忆: defend(保护),ant-保护自己-被告;参考:plaintiff(原告)