美丽的清晨迎来了我们新的一课,大家好,欢迎《Faith口语课堂-天天学》的新老学员们,我是Faith老师,I'm vulnerable to the temptation of money. 今天学习两个词的用法:vulnerable, temptation……
Vulnerable adj. 易受伤的,脆弱的,敏感的
The young girl looked very vulnerable. 那年轻的姑娘看上去十分柔弱。
He is at a very vulnerable and impressionable age. 他正处在一个非常脆弱和易受影响的年龄段。
Be vulnerable to... 易受……的
He has a position vulnerable to criticism. 他的地位易受批评。
And the systems are vulnerable to being hacked into. 这样的系统易被黑客侵入。
She's very young and vulnerable to temptation. 她很年轻,易受诱惑。
Temptation n. 诱惑,引诱;诱惑物
He's surrounded by temptations. 他受到各种诱惑。
She can't resist the temptation of chocolate. 她不能抵制巧克力的诱惑。
Be vulnerable to the temptation of... 易受……的诱惑
I'm vulnerable to the temptation of money. 我易受金钱的诱惑。
I guess my boss is vulnerable to the temptation of flattery. 我猜我老板喜欢听奉承话。
To be frank, I'm very vulnerable to the temptation of your offer, however, I can't take it, I have a contract. 坦白地讲,你的工作邀请很吸引人,但是,我不能接受,因为我有合同在身。
How can I resist the temptation of ice cream, I'm always vulnerable to the temptation of ice cream, plus, it's your treat. 我怎能抑制冰激凌的诱惑呢,我向来对冰激凌缺乏抵抗力,再说了,还是你请客。