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外企白领口语第23课:Packing 产品包装部

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产品包装 packing
A: We hope our opinions on packing will be passed on to your manufacturers.
B: That can be taken care of.
包装直接关系到产品的销售。Packing has a close bearing on sales.
A: You know,packing has a close bearing on sales.
B: Yes,it also affects the reputation of our products. Buyers always pay great attention to packing.
……怎样包装?How are...packed/wrapped?
A: How are the shirts packed?
B: They're packed in cardboard boxes.
A: I'm afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for ocean transportation.
内/外包装 inner/outer packing
A: Well,I'm satisfied with this inner packing, so what about the outer packing?
B: We will pack them a dozen to a carton.
A: Cartons? Could you use wooden cases instead? I'm afraid the cartons are not strong enough.
装箱说明书 packing specifications
A: Did you get our packing specifications? We need this order packed in a special way.
B: Yes,I'm reading them right now.We know it's fragile.
A: Yes.Please be careful when you ship it. We'll need all our orders packed that way from now on.
对包装的具体要求 specific requirement for packing
A: Do you have any specific requirement for packing?
B: The key point of packing is protecting the goods from moisture.
A: In that case,wooden cases would be the best choice.
包装的安全性不可忽视。The safety of packing cannot be neglected.
A: This way of packing has been proven reliable for our clients both in America and Europe.
B: OK,you know,the safety of packing is a matter that cannot be neglected, so be sure to pay more attention to the packing of the goods.
A: We always use this kind of packing which is totally suitable for ocean shipping, please rest assured.
包装费用 charges of packing
A: Excuse me.Are you aware of our rule?
B: What rule?
A: Generally speaking,buyers bear the charges of packing.
B: Of course I know the rule. I have been doing business for a century!
一流的产品配一流的包装。Top products require top packaging.
A: Top products require top packaging. We must make the wrapping attractive.
B: Yeah.In that way, they will be easily recognized as the top products.
独特的包装有助于推销产品。The unique design of the packing helps promote the sales.
A: In order to accommodate to the Australian consumer's buying behavior, we plan to print color embroidery patterns on the exclusively designed wrapping bag.
B: That's great. A packing that catches the eye will help us push the sales.
A: Great minds think alike.
有保护性的外包装 protective outer packing.
A: As for the textiles,we usually use cardboard boxes.
B: But the boxes are not water-proof.
A: Don't worry.Every box is lined with the waterproof material. This is the protective outer packing.
外包装需加固。Out-packing should be especially reinforced.
A: As for the packing,I have a requirement.
B: OK.I'm obliged to listen to it.
A: As you know the products are quite fragile. The packing must be strong enough to withstand rough handling.
B: That won't be a problem.The packing itself is strong enough. In addition,we will put a "Fragile" sign on the outside.
贵方采取什么措施来加固纸箱?Do you have anything to reinforce cartons?
A: Do you have anything to reinforce cartons?
B: Double iron straps will do.
A: Would you please use both English and Chinese on the labels?
B: We always do that.
A: You must mark "HANDLE WITH CARE" on the face of the cartons.
B: We've written these warnings on the cases.
A: We also need to put a country of origin mark on each carton.
B: No problem.
防湿、防潮、防锈、防震 against dampness,moisture,rust and shock
A: The goods must be well protected against dampness, moisture,rust and shock.
B: No problem. We are liable for any loss resulting from improper packing.
完好无损 in good order =intact
A: Have the goods arrived safely?
B: Yes.They arrived this morning. The packages are in good order.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
unique [ju:'ni:k]


adj. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的

attractive [ə'træktiv]


adj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的

addition [ə'diʃən]


n. 增加,附加物,加法

fragile ['frædʒail]


adj. 易碎的,脆的,精细的

reputation [.repju'teiʃən]


n. 声誉,好名声

improper [im'prɔpə]


adj. 不合适的,错误的,不道德的

intact [in'tækt]


adj. 完好无缺的,原封不动的,未经触碰的

embroidery [im'brɔidəri]


n. 刺绣品,粉饰,刺绣

cardboard ['kɑ:dbɔ:d]


n. 厚纸板

rough [rʌf]


adj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,艰难的,讨厌的,不适的





