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At school, Randy was shy and as quiet as a mouse. He was also very clever. He had a twin brother, Jason. Jason loved football and had to work like a dog to make good grades. In school, Randy was the bookworm. He loved to read. But without his glasses he could not see. He was as blind as a bat. Jason ate like a horse and was two hundred pounds at age seventeen. Both of them were early birds and got out of bed at four every morning. Randy read and studied. Jason went training. Today, because they were pigheaded and did not give up, Jason is quarterback for the Glendale Geeks, and Randy is the owner of the team.

性格还真是迥异。在描述内向的Randy时,我们用到了两个as…as结构,分别是,as quiet as a mouseas blind as a bat。前者意思是being shy and not talking much,害羞,不爱说话,后者意思是not able to see well because of very bad eyesight. 因为视力不好看不清东西。这两个比喻并不难理解。英语中用as…as结构的习惯用语还真不少,再比如as busy as a bee异常繁忙的, as cool as cucumber非常镇静。

描述Jason的两个习语分别是work like a dogate like a horse. Work like a dog意思是work very hard。比如:He works two jobs and goes to college. He works lie a dog because he wants to get a good education.他干两份工作还去上学。他如此努力工作是因为想要得到更好的教育。 Ate like a horse,从后面17岁的时候就重达二百磅可以知道,Jason食量很大

虽然性格有完全不同的方面,但两兄弟相同的是都是early birds,我们常说早起的鸟有食吃,early birds被用于指代“早起的人,第一个到达的人”。再比如:Allan arriives at the office before everyone else. He's an early birds. Allan比其他人都早到了办公室。他是第一个到达的人。

两兄弟间另一处相同之处是两个人都pigheaded。Pigheaded字面意思看上去像“猪脑袋的”,其实它相当于not taking advice, stubborn,也就是很“固执”的意思。再比如:Adam is so pigheaded that he never listens to anyone. He always does what he has decided. Adam是个很固执的人,从不听别人的建议,而是按自己的决定行事。

既能付出努力做early bird,又能坚持自己的目标,有些pigheaded,就难怪最后健壮的Jason能够成为球队的四分卫,而聪明的Randy则成为了这家球队的老板。

回答一下Rose的问题吧:if you work like a dog, do you work hard or don't you work hard? 好了,我们下期再见。




