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英语日常口语 Unit33:The dripping tap

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英语日常口语 Unit33:The dripping tap


Michal: Hey Tim, what are you doing?
Tim: I'm fixing this tap. I can't put up with that drip-drip noise anymore.
Michal: Have you turned off the water?
Tim: I told you. That's what I'm working on.
Michal: I mean the main water supply? Have you cut it off?
Tim: No, I haven't. Stop worrying and let me get on with this.
Michal: I don't think you should carry on doing that!
Tim: It's okay, just one more turn of the spanner.
Michal: I really think you should stop.
Tim: Oh, go away Michal. You're putting me off. One more turn and then ... aaaaaargh! Oh no! Michal! Help! Stop the water! Aaaaaargh!

Vocabulary: 词汇

a tap:
the thing you turn to let water run into a sink

a spanner:
a tool used to turn nuts

to drip:
when small drops of water fall regularly, from a tap or a leaking roof

to cut something off:
to stop the supply of something, to disconnect something

to get on with something:
to do something without delay

to carry on:
to continue

to put someone off:
to distract someone

to put up with something:
to tolerate something


Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs are composed of two words: a main verb and a particle.
Look at these examples from this week's episode:

to turn something off:
to stop something working, to switch something off

to work on something:
to concentrate on a task, to do a task

to cut something off:
to stop the supply of something, to disconnect something

to get on with something:
to do something without delay

to carry on:
to continue

to put someone off:
to distract someone

to put up with something:
to tolerate something

There are four different types of phrasal verb:

Type A

These phrasal verbs take a direct object (they are transitive):
I turned off the water
I cut off the water
He picked up Spanish easily

You can separate the two parts of the phrasal verb with the object:
I turned the water off
I cut the water off
He picked Spanish up easily

If you use an object pronoun(me, you, him, her, it, us, them) you must separate the two parts of the phrasal verb:
I turned it off
I cut it off
He picked it up easily

Type B

These phrasal verbs take a direct object(they are transitive) but you cannot separate the two parts of the verb:
I'm working on a new project
I'm working on it

Keep off the grass!
Keep off it!

Type C:

These phrasal verbs do not take a direct object (they are intransitive) and you never separate the two parts of the verb:
Tim didn't stop. He carried on
The water finally ran out

Type D:

These phrasal verbs are composed of three words. They always have a direct object and you never separate these words with the object or the object pronoun:
I put up with it for too long
She is looking forward to the weekend

One verb, two types:

Some phrasal verbs can be both Type C and Type D. You can add a new particle so that the verb can then take a direct object:
To carry on/ to carry on with something
Even though he was tired, he carried on
Even though he was tired, he carried on with his work

To check out/to check out of somewhere
She checked out at 10 o'clock
She checked out of the hotel at 10 o'clock

Verb patterns:

If you have another verb after a phrasal verb, you always use the gerund form (-ing) of the second verb:
He carried on working
I'm looking forward to meeting you

重点单词   查看全部解释    
disconnect [.diskə'nekt]


vt. 使分离
vi. 断开,拆开

sink [siŋk]


n. 接收端,沟渠,污水槽,散热器
vi. 下

distract [di'strækt]


vt. 转移,分心

separate ['sepəreit]


n. 分开,抽印本
adj. 分开的,各自的,

tolerate ['tɔləreit]


vt. 容忍,忍受

drip [drip]


n. 滴,点滴,乏味的人,水滴
v. 滴下,漏

supply [sə'plai]


n. 补给,供给,供应,贮备
vt. 补给,供

episode ['episəud]


n. 插曲,一段情节,片段,轶事

delay [di'lei]


v. 耽搁,推迟,延误
n. 耽搁,推迟,延期

switch [switʃ]


n. 开关,转换,鞭子
v. 转换,改变,交换





