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英语日常口语 Unit15:A heart-to-heart

编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Helen: Hello?
  • Alice: Hi Helen.
  • Helen: What's up Alice?
  • Alice: It's so quiet at work I thought I'd give you a ring.
  • A little bird told me that the landlord is your dad!
  • Helen: How did you find out?
  • Alice: Never mind about that.
  • Why have you been keeping it a secret for so long?
  • Helen: Well because as soon as people know how rich my parents are, they start treating me differently.
  • When you and Tim came to live here I wanted to start afresh so I decided not to tell anyone.
  • Alice: Oh Helen you're such a silly goose!
  • I promise, it will not make any difference to us!
  • So no more secrets OK?
  • Helen: OK then.


英语日常口语 Unit15:A heart-to-heart


Helen: Hello?
Alice: Hi Helen.
Helen: What's up Alice?
Alice: It's so quiet at work I thought I'd give you a ring. A little bird told me that the landlord is your dad!
Helen: How did you find out?
Alice: Never mind about that. Why have you been keeping it a secret for so long?
Helen: Well because as soon as people know how rich my parents are, they start treating me differently. When you and Tim came to live here I wanted to start afresh so I decided not to tell anyone.
Alice: Oh Helen you're such a silly goose! I promise, it won't make any difference to us! So no more secrets OK?
Helen: OK then.

Vocabulary :

to have a heart-to-heart: to have an honest and open conversation about your feelings
to start afresh: to begin again, in a new way
a silly goose (informal, affectionate): a foolish person
a weird bloke (informal): a strange man

本单元的语言点是关于 Such 和 so 的用法,下面是关于这两个词用法的语法和例句

Such and So

Such and so can be used for emphasis. For example, 'You're such a goose!' means 'You're very much like a goose!' or 'It's so quiet' means 'It's very quiet'.

such + adjective + noun

He's such a weird bloke.
They're such fantastic cooks.
They are such a happy couple.
She has such lovely kids.

so + adjective/adverb

She's so clever.
They're so rich.
These trains are so slow.
He spoke so passionately.

You can join two clauses together with such...that and emphasise the noun. Or you can use so...that and emphasise the adverb/adjective. You can also leave out 'that', if you want.

so + adjective/adverb

It was such a great party (that) we stayed till 2 in the morning!
She's such an all-round athlete (that) I'm not surprised she won the gold.
He's so mean (that) he didn't even buy her a birthday present.
He works so hard (that) he's bound to be promoted soon.

So can also be used to join two clauses or sentences together and it has a similar meaning to 'as a result'. So is more informal than 'as a result'.

So - conjunction

It was raining so we decided to stay at home.
He wants to pass his exams so he studies almost every night.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
informal [in'fɔ:məl]


adj. 非正式的,不拘形式的

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

conjunction [kən'dʒʌŋkʃən]


n. 连词,结合,关联,(事件等的)同时发生

athlete ['æθli:t]


n. 运动员

emphasis ['emfəsis]


n. 强调,重点

affectionate [ə'fekʃənit]


adj. 情深的,充满情爱的

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的





