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电影学口语 Lesson 5:I like Mowgli

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电影学口语 Lesson 5:I like Mowgli

剪辑自(The Jungle Book)泰山2

Shanti: Now, dont move. That wasnt very nice, you know.
(Ranjan roars.)
Shanti: Stop that. You are not a jungle boy.
Ranjan: Why are you so a-scared of the jungle?
Shanti: Because its dangerous.
Ranjan: Dangerous? But Mowgli says
Shanti: You shouldnt listen to everything Mowgli says.
Ranjan: But I thought you liked Mowgli.
Shanti: Well, I do. I like Mowgli, but I ohooh.
Mowgli: Uh, you left this at the river.
Shanti: Thank you.
Ranjan: She is in a bad mood.
Mowgli: Hey, Ranjan. You want to see a little trick I learned in the jungle?
Ranjan: Mmm. Thats a pretty good trick.
Shanti: Well, heres a little trick I learned right here at home.
Ranjan: Wow, thats a neater(更灵巧的) trick.
Shanti: Like I said, Ranjan. Dont listen to him.
Mowgli: She is right. Ranjan. Dont listen to me. Listen to the jungle.

1. You are not a jungle boy. 你不应该到丛林中去。
2. She is in a bad mood. 她心情不好。
3. Thats a pretty good trick. 这个把戏很好玩。




