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新东方英语900句 Lesson 8:Age

编辑:alex   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Lesson 8: Age Core Sentences Can I ask how old you are?
  • Guess how old I am?
  • I say you are about twenty.
  • I just turn twenty three.
  • I was thirty on my last birthday.
  • You look younger than your age.
  • I'd rather not tell your my age.
  • She is going to be eighteen, but she still acts like a kid.
  • I am two years older than she is.
  • My mother retired at the age of fifty five.
  • Singer looks maturer for his age.
  • Grandfather is geting in years.
  • Joanna is in her sixties.
  • But she is aging well.
  • The baby pumas are all grown ups now.
  • I'm too old to learn computer.
  • Dialog Exercises.
  • Number one Do you beleive an age gaps?
  • Hans, what are you up to?
  • I'm reading a letter from home.
  • This is a picture of my family.
  • Is the one with gray hair your grandma?
  • Yes, she is in her seventies.
  • Really, she is aging well.
  • She looks like in her sixties.
  • But she is always forgetful.
  • And we do not see eye to eye with each other on many things.
  • She does not like the pop music.
  • She hates me to surf Internet all the evening and she is always repeating stories of her life.
  • Sometimes, I'm fed up.
  • This is called generation gap.
  • Number two Sugar Dady.
  • You know what?
  • Maria got married last week.
  • So, she finally married her sugar daddy.
  • Right, he never tells his age.
  • But I know that his youngest daughter just turn thirty.
  • She works with my sister.
  • My.
  • I guss he is in his sixties.
  • And Maria?
  • Maria is only two years older than his daughter.
  • Fortunately, he is aging well.
  • He looks much younger than his age.
  • Nothing to blame, love is blind.
  • But Maria is by no means to blind to money.


新东方英语900句 Lesson 8:Age

Core Sentences
1. Can I ask how old you are?
2. Guess how old I am?
3. I say you are about twenty.
4. I just turn twenty three.
5. I was thirty on my last birthday.
6. You look younger than your age.
7. I'd rather not tell your my age.
8. She is going to be eighteen, but she still acts like a kid.
9. I am two years (old--older )than she is.
10. My mother retired at the age of fifty five.
11. --singer)looks maturer for his age.
12. Grandfather is geting in years.
13. Joanna is in her sixties.But she is aging well.
14. The baby (可能是pumas) are all grown ups now.
15. I'm too old to learn computer.

Dialog Exercises.

Number one Do you beleive (in-an )age gaps?
A. Hans, what are you up to?
B. I'm reading a letter from home. This is a picture of my family.
A. Is the one with gray hair your grandma?
B. Yes, she is in her seventies.
A. Really, she is aging well. She looks like in (a--her )sixties.
B. But she is always (forget --forgetful). And we don't see eye to eye with each other on many things. She doesn't like the pop music. She hates me to surf Internet all the evening and she (is)always repeating stories of her life. Sometimes, I'm (fade up--fed up).
A. This is (cal--called) generation gap.

Number two Sugar (Dady--daddy).
A. You know what? Maria got married last week.
B. So, she finally married her sugar daddy.
A. Right, he never tells his age. But I know that his youngest daughter just turn thirty. She works with my sister.
B. My . I guss he is in his sixties. And Maria?
A. Maria is only two years older than his daughter.
B. Fortunately, he is aging well. He looks much younger than his age.
A. Nothing to blame, love is blind.
B. But Maria is by no means (to-/) blind to money.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
surf [sə:f]


n. 海浪拍岸,冲浪
vi. 冲浪,浏览

core [kɔ:]


n. 果心,核心,要点
vt. 挖去果核

blame [bleim]


n. 过失,责备
vt. 把 ... 归咎于,





