◆深入学习邓小平理论。 Study Deng Xiaoping Theory deeply
◆治国现治党,治党必从严。 To rule the country, first rule the Party, and with a strong hand
◆加强廉政建设,惩治贪污腐败。 Work harder to build an honest government, punish graft and corruption
◆让雷锋精神永驻心间。 Let the Lei Feng spirit be in your heart year-round
◆我们既面临难得的机遇,也面临严峻的挑战。 We are faced with both a rare opportunity and grave challenges.
◆实践是检验真理的唯一标准。 Practice is the sole criterion for judging truth.
◆打破垄断,鼓励竞争。 扩大内需促繁荣。 Encourage domestic demand and promote prosperity.
◆保护地球环境-人类共有的家园。 Protect the earth's environment-the homeland of all mankind.
◆保护环境是每个公民的责任与义务。 Protecting environment is every citizen's responsibility and moral duty.
◆为子孙后代留下青山绿水。 Preserve the green mountains and clear rivers for posterity
◆治理大气污染,还城市一片蓝天! Control air pollution and bring back city's blue sky!
◆污染者应该承担污染的代价。 The polluter should pay.
◆全社会都来关心再就业。 Our entire society should be involved in the effort to find new jobs for laid-off workers.
◆积极参加下岗再就业培训。 Laid-off employees should take full advantage of retraining programs.
◆下岗是对生产力的一次大解放-给自己一个重新选择的机会。 Lay offs are a great liberation of productive forces - give yourself a chance to make a fresh choice.
◆消费可以刺激经济发展。 Consumer buying can build up the economy.
◆中国加入世贸组织符合中美两国人民的利益、 China's entry into the WTO is in the best interest of both the Chinese and Americans.
◆中美两国人民应该加强了解,增进共识。 Chinese and Americans should strengthen mutual understanding and promote the positions they share.
◆拒买盗版物,保护知识产权。 Don't buy pirated goods. Protect intellectual property rights.
◆珍爱生命,永不沾毒。 Value your own life-stay away from drugs.
◆不要让烟草缩短你的宝贵的生命。 Don't let smoking take years away from your life.
◆拒绝毒品,别拿生命做赌注。 Say no to drugs. Don't gamble your life away.
◆减轻课业负担,还孩子快乐童年! Less homework for our children - give school kids more free time.
◆以旅游为桥梁,增进各国人民友谊。 Use tourism as a bridge and promote the friendship between people from different countries.
◆告别违章行车,保证交通顺畅。 Say goodbye to lawless driving, ensure the smooth flow of traffic.
◆深化改革,全面推进素质教育。 Efforts should be made to deepen the educational reform and promote the qualification-oriented education in an all-round way.
◆全面推进依法行政,从严治政,建设廉洁,勤政。务实,高效政府。 The government should be strict with itself in carrying out its official duties in accordance with the law and try to be honest, diligent, pragmatic and efficient.
◆发展是硬道理。 Development is the absolute principle.
◆厉行勤俭,反对奢侈浪费。 We must practice strict economy and combat extravagance.