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来源:可可英语 编辑:Villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

The second major event I referred to earlier is the virtual meeting between President Xi Jinping and President Joe Biden.


The successful virtual meeting took place two weeks ago. It had great significance not only for China-U.S. relations, but also for international relations. In a good atmosphere, our Presidents had candid, in-depth and constructive discussions, and the meeting was extended several times to three and a half hours in total. It was a substantive and fruitful meeting.


The meeting augurs well for?both China and the U.S., and the world at large. Both China?and the U.S. are at a crucial stage of development, and the world is in a time of turbulence and change. Our two countries are like two giant ships battling high winds and rough waters. A presidential meeting on issues?of strategic, overarching and fundamental importance?will help steer the course of China-U.S. relations.?It is of great significance and will have a far-reaching impact. During the meeting, both Presidents underscored the importance of our bilateral relationship and their belief?that we must get it right?and never?mess it up. Both expressed their opposition to a "new Cold War" or confrontation and?conflict between China and the U.S.?They sent a strong message to our two countries and the world that China-U.S. relations should and must return to the right track of sound and steady development. The meeting has raised international expectations and provided a palpable sense of stability and certainty for the world. Shortly after the meeting was concluded, stock markets rallied with an average 0.64 percent rise in China's three major stock exchanges and a 0.43 percent rise in the three major U.S. stocks indexes.


The meeting reflects China's sincerity?and sense of responsibility in developing its?relations?with the U.S. With farsightedness and vision, President Xi Jinping put forward three principles for?China-U.S. ties?in the new era, namely?mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation. He also highlighted?four priority areas. First, shouldering responsibilities as?major countries and marshalling a global response to acute?challenges. Second, acting in the spirit of equality and mutual benefit to promote?exchanges at all levels and in all areas and generate more positives?for China-U.S. relations. Third, managing differences and sensitive issues constructively?to prevent China-U.S. relations from getting derailed or out of control. And fourth, strengthening coordination and cooperation on major international and regional issues and?provide more global public goods.


The meeting generates important common understandings?conducive to China-U.S.?practical cooperation. The two sides?agreed to maintain communication on macroeconomic policies, support world economic recovery and guard against economic and financial risks. The two sides?also agreed to work together?on global issues such as energy security, climate change and public health. This will help stabilize and improve the international economic environment and address what are dubbed "gray rhinos"?and "black swans", high-impact events that are often neglected or dismissed. President Xi?Jinping?pointed?out that our two countries enjoy common interests in a wide range of areas and should complement?each other and make the pie?bigger for China-U.S.?cooperation. He highlighted the?economy, energy, education, science,?technology and environment?as?potential growth areas and opportunities for China-U.S.?cooperation. The two sides agreed to fully harness the dialogue channels and mechanisms?between our economic, trade and financial?teams to advance practical cooperation and resolve specific issues. This will help anchor?expectations and address each side's?concerns. President Xi?Jinping affirmed?that China is fostering domestic and international economic circulations with greater scope and scale, and building a business environment that is more market-oriented, law-based and consistent with?international standards. This is a reassuring statement to the U.S?and?the rest of the world.


What is?perhaps?of immediate?relevance for you is that President Xi Jinping announced China's readiness?to upgrade fast-track travel arrangements with the U.S. The U.S.?business community have raised difficulties in traveling to China amid the pandemic. We?attach great importance to your?concerns, and President Xi?Jinping is?personally committed to seeing the issue resolved. Of course, the fast-track arrangement will also include contingency plans such as "circuit-breaker"?measures, which are aimed to ensure both effective COVID response and sound economic and social development, lower the risks of cross infection among travelers to China, and help American firms here operate in a safer, better protected and more sustainable way.


Friends, the Sixth Plenum and the virtual presidential meeting are giving us more confidence about the future. I encourage you?to act quickly, leverage your strengths, get a head start and become "early birds"?in reaping benefits from China-U.S. cooperation.


First, I hope you will be participants in and contributors to China's opening-up at a higher level so as to achieve win-win and all-win outcomes. Fortune will smile on those who choose to work with China. Among the over 70,000 American businesses in China, 97 percent are reaping profits. It is estimated that China will import 2.5 trillion dollars worth of goods and services annually in the coming 15 years, its middle-income group will swell to 800 million by 2035, its airlines will need 8,700 new aircraft by 2040, and its green finance market will be worth 100 trillion yuan by 2060. All this will inject tremendous impetus into economic, trade and sub-national cooperation between our two countries. Recently, China and the U.S. released a joint declaration on enhanced climate actions on the sidelines of COP26. Green economy will be a new growth area in our cooperation. We have every reason to pursue mutually beneficial cooperation in PV technology, circular economy, energy-efficient buildings, low-carbon transportation and power batteries. Incidentally, maybe you've noticed that other players are also doing the best. In the first ten months of this year, the EU's trade with China exceeded 670 billion dollars, roughly 50 billion dollars more than U.S. trade with China. Also, in the first ten months of this year, the number of freight services between China and Europe has already surpassed the total of last year and it is still growing with a strong momentum. So I encourage our American friends to step up with eyes wide open, or you might miss the "express train" of China's modernization.


Second, I hope you will be pioneers and cheerleaders for stabilizing and promoting China-U.S. relations. China-U.S. economic cooperation and trade do not happen in a vacuum and are inevitably influenced by the broader relationship. As a Chinese proverb goes, "When a tree flourishes, people can enjoy the cool of its shade."?When the overall atmosphere of China-U.S. relations is good, economic cooperation and trade will do better. When bilateral relations deteriorate, business communities can't expect to be unaffected and make money quietly. It has come to my attention that over the past four decades and more, even when China-U.S. relations encountered difficulties, the China business reports released by AmCham China, AmCham Shanghai, USCBC and relevant U.S. states and cities presented the situation objectively, pointed out that China-U.S. business ties are mutually beneficial, and expressed confidence in and commitment to China-U.S. cooperation. We highly appreciate that, and we hope you will continue to play a unique and important role, speak out for what is right, and encourage the U.S. administration to follow a sensible and pragmatic China policy?and to stop waging trade war, industrial war or?technology war and stop creating confrontation or conflict over values, ideology or geopolitics.


Third, I hope you will be carers?and doers in advancing mutually beneficial cooperation between China and the U.S., and oppose the politicization of economic and trade issues. As an early comer, the United States used to be?an advocate of globalization. I still remember in the early 2000s and before that, the United States went to?great lengths to persuade China to join the WTO and?lectured us about free trade and market economics. To be honest, when diving into the vast ocean of the global market, China had its fair share of choking and ran considerable?risks. Fortunately, although we were a?latecomer to the game, we overcame the?obstacles. If the early comer can't accept the fact that the latecomer may?do better than the early comer in some areas, and tries to change the rules of the game to hold?the latecomer?back, it would be most narrow-minded, not to mention unfair. International trade rules are decided by countries through consultation and ought?to be observed by all. They should?not be misused,?discarded?or selectively implemented. Disrupting the rules may bring some benefits for the time being, but would eventually upset the cart and rattle markets, and it won't do any good to anybody. The U.S. side used to be a strong advocate of the view that business is business. But these days, political correctness seems to trump everything in the U.S. It reminds me of a saying in China during the Cultural Revolution, "I'd rather have socialist wild grass than capitalist crop seedlings."?Be it decoupling, supply cutoff, "a small yard surrounded by high fences"?or trying to form small supply chain blocs against China, they all violate the laws of the market, disrupt international division of labor, disturb global industrial and supply chains, and try to divide the world economy into two parallel systems. The business community will have to bear double costs, in which situation how could they enjoy efficiency or benefits? I hope that our friends in the business community can take a clear stand against politicizing economic and trade issues and abusing the concept of national security. I hope you can work on the Biden administration to lift the tariff hikes, stop suppressing and sanctioning Chinese businesses, prevent the passage on Capitol Hill of the?Innovation and Competition Act and other acts on China. It is important to create a level playing field for Chinese and American businesses to engage in healthy competition rather than vicious zero-sum games. We must help both sides grow rather than drag them all down.


Fourth, I hope you will?build bridges and ties of friendship between Chinese and American people, and help improve mutual understanding and trust. Amity between the people holds the key to good relations between countries. Working and living here, you all engage extensively with Chinese society and interact in depth with Chinese people. Among foreigners, you know China the best and should have the most say. I hope you will spread the word on what you have seen, heard and felt here to the other side of the Pacific. No need for exaggerated praises. Just tell the truth, so that the average Americans can have a full and objective picture of the real China. I'm sure you are all aware that issues related to Taiwan, Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Tibet concern China's sovereignty, security and development, which are our core interests. They bear on the national sentiment of 1.4 billion Chinese people. For the Chinese side, there is simply no room for compromise. I hope you will use your influence to urge the U.S. administration?to truly abide by the three Sino-U.S. joint communiqués and honor the true one-China policy, which should not be altered, distorted or negated. The Olympic Games are a celebration of our common humanity. The principle of political neutrality is enshrined in the Olympic Charter. Earlier this year, the International Olympic Committee has?unanimously decided to?add the word "together"?to the Olympic motto, which now reads "Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together". Boycotting the Olympic Games for political reasons would harm the interests of athletes?and?go against the common aspiration of the international community. Beijing will host the Winter Olympics next February, and Los Angeles will host the Summer Olympics in 2028. China and the United States need to support each other and jointly honor the Olympic spirit of solidarity, friendship, fair play and mutual understanding. In this regard, I count on positive contributions from the U.S. business community and states and cities.


Thank you.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
committed [kə'mitid]


adj. 献身于某种事业的,委托的

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

crucial ['kru:ʃəl]


adj. 关键的,决定性的

infection [in'fekʃən]


n. 传染,影响,传染病

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

contingency [kən'tindʒənsi]


n. 偶发事件,偶然

effective [i'fektiv]


adj. 有效的,有影响的

achieve [ə'tʃi:v]


v. 完成,达到,实现

supply [sə'plai]


n. 补给,供给,供应,贮备
vt. 补给,供

recovery [ri'kʌvəri]


n. 恢复,复原,痊愈





