《菜根谭》是明朝还初道人洪应明收集编著的儒家经典,是一部论述修养、人生、处世、出世的语录集。 其文字简炼明隽,兼采雅俗,言辞中流露出山林意趣,渗透着万物一体的世界观。开出的处世之方偏重心态和人事,悟虚妄真实之理,指出贫富、尊卑、穷达因为心念使善恶、祸福相互转换,告诫世人及时转念,戒贪少欲,取中庸之道。著作前后内容和深度有所不同,反映出了不同的阅历和境界。
When a man's mind reaches the point of perfect sincerity he can move Heaven and Earth: Snow can fall in summer, city walls can crumble, and adamantine rock can be carved. The false man is nothing but an empty shell; he has lost his innate nature and is hateful in the sight of others. When he is alone, he is consumed with self-loathing.
(保罗·怀特 译)
Complete sincerity of a man could let frostworks fall in June, make city walls collapse by wail and get metal and stone affected. But for a treacherous, hypocritical man, it seems that his soul has already departed and only his body remains. Such a man will disgust people with his repulsive looks while walking in the street and will feel ashamed of himself for his own body and shadow when getting alone.
(周文标 译)
Where there is sincerity, heaven can be so moved that there may be frost in summer, the city wall may collapse, and metal and stone may cut easily. A hypocritical man, on the other hand, is a mere corpse without soul, repulsive of appearance in society, ashamed even of his own shadow in seclusion.
(蒋坚松 译)
When one's heart is completely genuine, the frost appears out of season and the castle collapses. Metal and rock can be pierced. False and corrupt people may have shadows of the human form, but in vain, for true authority is missing. They are insufferable in the eyes of others, and in solitude they are ashamed even of their shadows.
(Robert Aitken & Daniel W. Y. Kwok 译)