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How I Read Mo Yan's Oeuvre


The first Mo Yan novel that I read was Red Sorghum at the end of 1980s. I expected to meet a much more senior person, since his writings mostly involve in old stories happening in Anti-Japanese War, Revolution of 1911 (which overthrew the Qing Dynasty) and so on, but he actually turned out to a little bit older than me. The question is how could he have such rich experience and unbelievable imagination?

I was amazed by his ability to tell a story and the peculiar way of his narration. Using ridicule and sarcasm, Mo Yan knows very well how to write unconventionally, philosophically as well as quite consistently. Taking a typical passage in his Red Sorghum as an example, "The autumn winds are rather chilly even on a perfect sunny day, while white clouds float in the tile-blue sky and cast full purple shadows onto the sorghum fields below. Teams of scarlet fighters shuttle among the sorghum stalks to interlace human network during a slip in time when decades seem like a moment. There were killings, plundering, loyal defense played out on the stage of life by these brave men who dwarfed us unfilial descendants occupying this land. Progress may have been made, but I do have a nagging sense of our species' regression".
I later on found out that Mo was born in a farmer's family, and dropped out of school to be a cowherd at Grade Five. He was a bookworm early in his life, and when there were hardly any books to be found, he could read a Xinhua Dictionary from cover to cover. Having read a great number of classical Chinese novels and heard many folktales, especially under the spell of pantheism of Qi-lu culture, he developed his imaginary world that is both familiar and strange, formulating his unique magic realism, which eventually made him a Nobel Laureate in literature in 2012.
Originally named Guan Moye, he adopted "Mo Yan"—meaning "don't speak" in Chineseas his pseudonym to remind himself of the lesson from a loose tongue in his childhood. However, he is extremely audacious in depicting scenes, including sexual ones, sometimes quite vividly in his writings, to make up the loss, as he put it.
Mo Yan believes that "Literature and art ought never to be a means of eulogizing life; rather, they have to expose the dark side of life and injustice". In his view, human nature is multifaceted, as the kind-hearted have their shortcomings and the evil-minded have their merits, which should all be reflected in a masterpiece. I can certainly sense this kind of complexity and justice in his oeuvre, particularly in A Transparent Radish, Family Stories of Red Sorghum, White Dog Swing, The Republic of Wine, Big Breasts And Wide Hips, Sandalwood Penalty, Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out, Frog and so on.
As we all believe that literature is after all a language art, Mo Yan's language is very artistic, saturated with the flavor of Shandong dialect. As he once put it, "An innovative writer should spare no efforts and go to devious endless lengths to enrich the national language". Indeed, he reveals the hypocrisy and murkiest aspect of life with an ill-disguised delight, portraying various images of symbolic weight inadvertently.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
narration [næ'reiʃən]


n. 叙述

hypocrisy [hi'pɔkrəsi]


n. 伪善

consistently [kən'sistəntli]


adj. 一致的,始终如一的

penalty ['penəlti]


n. 处罚,惩罚

unique [ju:'ni:k]


adj. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的

ridicule ['ridikju:l]


n. 嘲笑,愚弄,笑柄 v. 嘲笑,嘲弄,愚弄

saturated ['sætʃəreitid]


adj. 饱和的,渗透的,深颜色的

sarcasm ['sɑ:kæzəm]


n. 挖苦,讽刺

regression [ri'greʃən]


n. 复原,逆行,退步

laureate ['lɔ:iət]


n. 桂冠诗人,得奖人 adj. 杰出的,带桂冠的 vt





