I wish all United Nations personnel and their families a Happy Staff Day.
I am delighted that today, we bring back a tradition that began in 1953. It is a chance for staff to enjoy a pause from work, come together as friends and celebrate our wonderful diversity.
As my family and I prepare to say goodbye to our UN family, this is also an opportunity for me to express my deepest appreciation for your support over the past ten years. I wish I could shake hands with each of you personally.
From Headquarters to the field, from conference rooms to refugee camps, I have witnessed time and again your dedication and courage.
Thank you for giving so much of your lives to our United Nations.
I am also grateful to your families for their support and patience when you stayed late, took work home and travelled far. We could not do what we do without their help and understanding.
There could be no more meaningful service than advancing the timeless principles of the United Nations Charter. Whoever we are, whatever the stage of our career and wherever we may serve, we are together in this noble mission.
Let me say again: thank you all for your outstanding service.
Shukran jazeelan! 谢谢 ! Thank you! Merci beaucoup! Spasibo! Muchas gracias!
Shukran jazeelan! 谢谢! Thank you! Merci beaucoup! Spasibo! Muchas gracias!
Happy Staff Day to all.