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Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,Friends,

It is my great pleasure to come to this renowned historical and cultural city of Quanzhou to participate in the International Symposium on Maritime Silk Road of the 21st Century, and I would like to take this opportunity to extend my warmest congratulations for this event on behalf of the Chinese Foreign Ministry and China Public Diplomacy Association.
I grew up in a small coastal village in Shandong province. The middle school I went to actually built its students dormitories on the beach. I remember seawater flooding under my bed during the high tide and when it fell away, the floor was covered with sea mud. There were also days when we would take a dip in the water, or play by the beach, or simply sit there and watch the tides. I think for those of us who have grown up near the coast, we all share an emotional bond with the sea and deeply admire its greatness. As our common home, the blue waters unite us altogether.
This symposium takes place at a great moment, because the Belt and Road initiative, and particularly the development of the Maritime Silk Road of the 21st Century, are very instrumental in promoting the development of the ocean economy and maritime cooperation among participating countries.
In less than a year and a half since the Chinese President Xi Jinping announced the Belt and Road initiative, China together with its partners are already delivering fruitful results. China has made substantive progress in policy planning and mechanism building. Through a series of domestic and international conferences, different local regions, the academia, business community, cultural sector, and overseas Chinese communities have all been mobilized to contribute to the initiative. People have expressed high appreciations for the Silk Road Spirit and the proposal of Economic Cooperation Corridor among major economies. Over 50 states and the EU, ASEAN, SCO, UN ESCAP and other international organizations have responded positively the initiative. China has signed the Belt and Road cooperation agreements with Kazakhstan and other states, achieving breakthroughs with partner countries on projects and programs ranging from transport infrastructure to industrial development, and to people-to-people exchange. In addition, the Silk Road Fund has been successfully launched, and 26 states have signed up as charter members to establish the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).
In many ways, the Chinese government and people coming from multiple sectors have all played an active part in promoting these progresses. However, these achievements wouldn't have been possible without the support and participation of the governments and people of our partners. When President Xi Jinping worked here in Fujian Province in 1988, he proposed a campaign calledchorus on economic development”, borrowing wisdom from the Chinese proverb that says, “when many people help add the firewood, the flame would rise high”. Great things can happen when friends and partners combine efforts towards the same goal. The Belt and Road initiative is proposed by China, but it's not apatentexclusively owned by China. On the contrary, we see it as a symphony and team performance instead of a solo or one-man show. And I am very pleased to see thatOne Belt, One Roadhas grown to become the shared efforts and aspiration of all populace along its path.
Recently, I have been asked by a number of friends from abroad about the relationship between the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Maritime Silk Road of the 21st Century. They asked me why we put the two together and which one ranks higher in our priority: the Belt or the Road? In my view, since the ancient times, the Silk Road has always been developing both on the continent and at sea. In some sense, camels and sailing boats have epitomized the trade and cultural exchanges across the Eurasia continent and beyond into the vast oceans. The routes we have pioneered overland and across the seas complemented each other in coexistence. Today, the Belt and the Road are like the two wings of Asia. To fly high, we need both wings to be powerful. Therefore, we attach equal importance to the Belt and the Road so that the two would reinforce each other. Situated on the crossroads of the Asia Pacific and the European economies, it is essential that countries in the South and West Asia grow land and maritime cooperation in sync. We believe that all partners along the routes of the Belt and Road, whether coastal countries or landlocked ones, could make unique contributions to promoting connectivity and international trade, and as equal contributors to and beneficiaries of this initiative, we should all enjoy the rights to participate in the international maritime cooperation.
Compared with the Silk Road overland, the Maritime Silk Road shares similarities but also has its unique characters. It has its own set of advantages, potentials, as well as difficulties and challenges. Going forward, I believe the success of the Maritime Silk Road of the 21st Century would require effective efforts to coordinate our cooperation. To make that happen, we must equip ourselves with an open mind as broad as that of an ocean and muster courage strong enough to brave winds and waves.
Why the open-mind? Like the vastness of the ocean comes from its accepting of thousands of rivers, to ensure constant progress under this initiative, China will continue, as we've always done, to earnestly heed the opinions and advice and fully consider the interests and concerns of all our partners. We will remain committed to open regionalism, and will refrain from closed blocs and arrangements targeted at the third party. We will seek to cooperate with other regional initiatives and mechanisms, and would welcome countries outside the region to actively participate in appropriate ways. In the future, the Belt and Road will foster large numbers of economic and people-to-people cooperation projects. We look forward to the valuable contribution from international organizations, multinational corporations, financial institutions, and non-governmental organizations.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

muster ['mʌstə]


v. 集合,收集,鼓起,激起
n. 集合,检阅

chorus ['kɔ:rəs]


n. 合唱队,歌舞队,齐声说道,副歌部分,

heed [hi:d]


n. 注意,留心
v. 注意,留心

symphony ['simfəni]


n. 交响乐

participate [pɑ:'tisipeit]


vt. 分享
vi. 参加,参与

mechanism ['mekənizəm]


n. 机制,原理
n. 机械,机构,结构

contrary ['kɔntrəri]


adj. 相反的,截然不同的
adv. 相反(

fruitful ['fru:tfəl]


adj. 多产的,富有成效的

priority [prai'ɔriti]


n. 优先权,优先顺序,优先





