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Honorable Mr. Walter, Mr. Heinz Drake, Madame Xu Lijun and Secretary-General Yang, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good afternoon.

What a joy it is, to meet friends from afar. Though thousands of miles apart, Germany and China, in this wonderful spring of vitality and blossom, join hands for the common goal of friendship and development. It's a blessing for Zhuhai and Sanzao in particular. Today marks the opening of the Investment Environment Promotion Conference for German Enterprises & Signing Ceremony of Sanzao-German Industrial Park co-held by district government and Sanzao Town. On behalf of the administrative committee of Sanzao High-tech Industrial Park and Sanzao government, I'd like to offer my warmest welcome to our German friends, leaders and guests attending this event and my congratulations on the forth-coming signing ceremony.

Nearly 30 years of reform and opening up lends Sanzao relatively solid foundation of material wealth and high reputation and drives it into a new stage of scientific development. It enjoys abundant business opportunities and deserves your close attention. To provide our German friends more information about Sanzao, to help them fall in love with her and reassure them of the investment here, I'm delighted to introduce you to the outstanding investment climate in Sanzao.

Renowned for its advantageous location and convenient transportation, Sanzao, a small town of 96 km² in the southwestern part of Zhuhai, a beautiful coastal garden city, is a frontier to China's reform and opening up to the world. It's home to Zhuhai Airport, which is managed by Hong Kong Airport Group and only 27 km away from Gaolan Port, a hub port in southern China. In the just-concluded 3rd Meeting of the 7th People's Congress of Zhuhai, the municipal government called on the whole city to develop all-inclusive transport. The building of Guangzhou-Zhuhai railway, Zhuhai's No.1 project, has already started. Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is also under financing stage. The already-started Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity Light-rail will have one station located in Sanzao, connecting us with Zhuhai Airport as well. Consequently, Sanzao's favorable transport conditions play a substantial role in effectively reducing transport cost and production cycle of products, and improving production efficiency and competitiveness for enterprises.

With solid foundation of industry, Sanzao is a town of industrial prominence in Zhuhai. It's the seat of Sanzao High-tech Industrial Park of Zhuhai National High-tech District, with five major industrial parks developed successively, including phases 1 & 2 of Qinshi Science Park and Qingwan. It has hitherto welcomed 445 enterprises from 16 countries and regions, encompassing 8 out of Fortune 500. Our pillar industries with unique feature are biopharmaceuticals, medical devices, household electrical appliances, precision machining and auto parts. Sanzao is also recognized as a town of technological innovation in Guangdong. In 2007, it generated 14.22 billion RMB in gross industrial output with 3.2 billion in industrial added value, 1.8 billion and 936 million RMB in fixed asset investment and fiscal & tax revenue respectively, ranking it the top 15 in Zhuhai as regards economic strength.

Sanzao's quality service and preferential policies make it a paradise for investment and development. The leadership of township government has an open-minded attitude toward development, global perspective and strong awareness of project service. All circles of Sanzao have the consensus of providing all convenience for industrial success and for all enterprises to be dedicated to production and operation without the harassment of negative trivialities. Our professional team also provides enterprises all-inclusive and around-the-clock services covering the whole lifecycle of development. In a word, the first and foremost brand of Sanzao's investment climate is service. Meanwhile, it offers favorable conditions in land, power, container gate-in and import & export of equipments. We've also issued regulations on capital support for enterprises with technological innovation and incentive program for main corporate tax-payers. Our talent pool and intellectual resources are predominantly manifested by the over 20 thousand registered students in Zhuhai College, Jilin University and on Zhuhai Campus, Zunyi College of Medicine. Both of them cooperate with local enterprises extensively by setting up tech innovation platform for enterprises, universities and research institutes, organizing training sessions for employees and running courses catering for the need of local companies to find the right human resources.

Impressive natural sceneries and harmonious atmosphere make Sanzao a place of choice for living and starting business. Blessed with grand mountains, clear rivers and hospitable climate, Sanzao is a beautiful coastal new town. Alongside industrial development and continuous upgrading of tertiary industry, we also improve social service and offer comfortable living conditions and great varieties of consumer goods for employees. All these help companies attract and retain employees. Here we have Golden Gulf Golf Club, a group of medium- and top-class residential blocks and hotels, such as Cuizhu Garden, Dongya Town, etc. Great public security and social harmony earns Sanzao titles of National Village or Township of Friendly Environment, Township with Outstanding National Sanitary Standards, Guangdong Model Town of Cultural and Ethical Progress and Guangdong Model Town of Public Security.

Now we have five Germany-invested companiesBosch Security System Co. Ltd., Da Qi Chang Electronics Co. Ltd., Yin Ying Bao Electronics Co. Ltd., Kurtz Electromechanical Equipment Co. Ltd. and De Xin Ke Electronics Co. Ltd. By keeping their mind on continuous development, these joint ventures strike a production value of over 2 billion RMB, demonstrating the top-notch investment climate and great prospect of Sanzao.

The agreement to be signed today, which aims to jointly develop Sanzao-German Industrial Park, presents us an opportunity for better understanding, a bridge of friendship and a frontier of common growth. We hope to see more investment from prominent German companies and their contribution to our common development. This agreement also suggests that our relations, having moved a step further, is close as relatives. Therefore, may I suggest our German friends pay more visits to China, to Zhuhai, and to your relatives in Sanzao.

Dear friends from German business community, with the leadership of municipal and township governments and our service of sincerity and excellence, I am convinced that your investment in Sanzao is definitely a smart move with a generous return.

In the end, I wish all the leaders and guests here today all the best. Thank you.

(Full text of the remarks by Yan Chijun, CPC Secretary of Sanzao Town, Jinwan District of Zhuhai Municipality at the Investment Environment Promotion Conference of Jinwan District, Zhuhai at March 31, 2008, as transcribed)

重点单词   查看全部解释    
community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

abundant [ə'bʌndənt]


adj. 丰富的,充裕的

municipality [mju:.nisi'pæliti]


n. 自治市,市当局

dedicated ['dedi.keitid]


adj. 专注的,献身的,专用的

renowned [ri'naund]


adj. 有名的,有声誉的

particular [pə'tikjulə]


adj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的

transport [træns'pɔ:t]


n. 运输、运输工具;(常用复数)强烈的情绪(狂喜或狂怒

convenience [kən'vi:njəns]


n. 适宜,便利,便利设施,方便的时间,舒适

joint [dʒɔint]


adj. 联合的,共同的,合资的,连带的

vitality [vai'tæliti]


n. 活力,生命力





