小编导读:《离骚》是战国时期著名诗人屈原的代表作之一,是中国古代汉族诗歌史上一首最长的政治抒情诗。诗人从自叙身世、品德、理想写起,抒发了自己遭谗言被害的苦闷与矛盾心情,揭露了楚王昏庸、群小猖獗与朝政日非的政治现实,表现了诗人坚持“美政” 理想、不附和邪恶势力的自爱精神及对楚王朝至死不渝的忠诚。
屈原 《楚辞·离骚》
Li Sao
Qu Yuan
With omens bright the seer revealed the way,
I then appointed an auspicious day.
As victuals rare some jasper twigs I bore,
And some prepared, provision rich to store;
Then winged horses to my chariot brought
My carriage bright with jade and ivory wrought.
How might tow hearts at variance accord?
I roamed till peace be to my mind restored.
The pillar of the earth I stayed beside;
The way was long, and winding far and wide.
In twilight glowed the clouds with wondrous sheen,
And chirping flew the birds of jasper green.
I went at dawn high heaven' s ford to leave;
To earth' s extremity I came at eve.
On phoenix wings the dragon pennons lay;
With plumage bright they flew to lead the way.
I crossed the quicksand with its treach' rous flood,
Beside the burning river, red as blood;
To bridge the stream my dragons huge I bade,
Invoked the emperor of the west to aid.
The way was long, precipitous in view;
I bade my train a different path pursue.
There where the heaven fell we turned a space,
And marked the western sea as meeting-place.
A thousand chariots gathered in my train,
With axles full abreast we drove amain;
Eight horses drew the carriages behind;
The pennons shook like serpents in the wind.
I lowered flags, and from my whip refrained;
My train of towering chariots I restrained.
I sang the odes. I trod a sacred dance,
In revels wild my last hour to enhance.
Ascending where celestial heaven blazed,
On native earth for the last time we gazed;
My slaves were sad, my steeds all neighed in grief,
And, gazing back, the earth they would not leave.