Be a Millionaire in 10 Years
Is it possible to turn your earnings into a million dollars in,let’s say 10 years? That too might be a long shot, but our next guest says “it is possible”, and it’s no get-rich-quick schemes. Smart Money magazine has astep-by-step guide that could have you roll in the Benjamins in just 10 years.How did you do it? Let’s bring in Smart Money’s senior editor Leigh Gallagher.
Hi, Leigh, good to see you..(Thank you)
That sounds pretty ambitious because we are really gonna to besaying here anybody, anybody, right ? No matter what your income bracket isright now, you might be able to help accumulate a million dollars if you justdo some very basic things,
“That’s verytrue, you know, it sounds like something that you have to either, you know,million dollars you have to win a lottery or else invent next Google, butreally it’s surprisingly attainable for almost any household, it just takescommitment, and planning and disciplining across all aspects of your lifereally.”
All right, let’s talk about the discipline, let’s beginning [begin]with health. You say (Sure) taking care of yourself is not just about how youtake care of your money, but first you get start with taking care of yourself,how is it that it can save your money over the long term?
“Well, it’sfunny, you know, most people don’t really make the link between your health andyour wealth , but it has a surprising effect, everything from keeping yourmedical bills down as we know medical bills are a huge problem for manyconsumers, but also it’s been shown that people living in better healthactually earn more , this is been tracked and your salary goes up at a fasterrate (Interesting). And in addition to that, you pay more for things like lifeinsurance, a 40-year-old male who is in good health is gonna pay about $35 amonth for a $500,000 life insurance policy. If he’s overweighed and smokes,it’s gonna be 4 times that (Wow!), so you don’t really realize all the ways thatyour health is really affecting your own bottom line.”
Interesting, and when we talk about saving money, we also talkingabout how you spend your money, so, so many things you really can’t get around:mortgage, rent, or your, you know, car payments, etc, but you say you reallycan be smart about how you try to negotiate your mortgage rates, or perhaps howyou spend your money on your car payments, you think used instead of new or leasednew. (Absolutely)
“Yes, youthink you can’t get around in these things, but you can. I mean 1% change onyour mortgage because just lower your rate by one percent, that will save anaverage household about $22,000, so you know that’s a big deal, same thing withcars, if you lease a pair of new cars then you switch to buy a pair of new, ofused cars every 5 years, that will bring your cost down by about $31,000 overthis 10-year period that we’re talking about.”
Woo, is that all right? So that’s take a consideration though thekind of maintenance bills you are more likely to have (Yes) when you buy usedfor a lease buy something.
“Thatinclude, that’s including ownership cost which we factoring to be magnates.Prepares everything.” Well, and you’re saying buying used doesn’t just apply tocars, but a lot of other things from furniture to clothes, etc?
“That’sabsolutely true, there’s a great thing called eBay. You can get, you know, youcan get cars on eBay, actually get homes on eBay. But you can buy usedeverything these days. When we say used it’s not vintage; we’re talking aboutbarely used merchandize, everything from fined furniture to Chanel suits, toyou name it. I mean it’s out there now. The internet has really broadened what’savailable. And that’s gonna have an effect.”
Well, that is great. Let’s talk about your savings beyond maximizingyour 401K at work.
“Sure, we’re saving-this is theway you gonna make the biggest leap by far towards that million dollars, andhypothetical couple, you know, and most of this, by the way, is happening with your401k, that’s by far the biggest weapon at your disposal to sort of reach this,this, level that we’re talking about here. So you know, we recommend it’sreally sacking away 15 percent of your salary, ideally, you know, that themaximum for a person is $15,000 but not everybody can do that, but if you justsack away 15% in all hypothetical couple of situation and if they did that over10 years that would amount to $397,000 and that’s before any investment gains,that’s just in the contributions alone, so that’s significant.”
All right, that’s very encouraging, Leigh Gallagher, see you, editorof Smart Money magazine. Thanks so much. (Thank you!)