走出去,引进来 going/bringing in global/abroad strategy
资源产品定价和市场 resource products pricing and market
财税体制 fiscal and taxation system
铺设铁轨或路面 lay down tracks or pavement
新外匝道 new off- ramp
年久失修的道路 crumbling roads
检票员 ticket inspector
邮政运输 postal freight
包车 chartered bus
散客 odd customer
临客 temporary train
客流高峰期 peak time for passenger transport
24小时售票窗口 24 hours ticket sales window
双层公共汽车 double-deck bus
燃油附加税 banker surcharge
undernourished people 营养不良的人
waterborne disease 水源的疾病
water carrying capacity of a canal 渠道输水能力
weed control 控制杂草
zero or minimum tillage 零耕或少耕
chamber of commerce 商会
clearance sale 清仓销售
closing price 收盘价
common stock 普通股
compensation trade 补偿贸易
issue a summons 传票
joint and several liability 连带责任
judicial power 司法权
judicial practice 司法惯例
judicial arbitration 司法仲裁
中国国际技术交流中心CICETE(China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchange)
美国食品安全检验局FSIS(Food Safety and Inspection Service)
中国国际旅行社CITS(China International Travel Service)
中央军事委员会CMC(Central Military Commission)
中国人民政治协商会议CPPCC(Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)