莫尔斯电码 Morse code
机顶盒 set-top box/unit
宽带网 broad-band network
垃圾邮件 junk email, spam
信息高速公路 information superhighway
信息检索 information retrieval
信息流 information flow
网上交易平台 online trading platform
终端服务器 terminal server
公告板服务 Bulletin Board Service
炒作 hype
打酱油 see no evil,hear no evil/I'm just passing by
无语 no comment
裸婚 simplistic marriage/bare-handed marriage
网络威胁 cyber threat
incomplete high-speed broadband network 高速宽带网络不健全
new generation of information technology 新一代信息技术
three network convergence/TCL convergence 三网融合
National Climate Change Program 《应对气候变化国家方案》
Energy Conservation Law 节约能源法
Renewable Energy Law 可再生能源法
Circular Economy Promotion Law 循环经济促进法
the pricing reform of resource products 资源型产品价格改革
pilot projects on circular economy 循环经济试点
carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP 单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放强度
exhaust 尾气
energy consumption per unit of GDP 单位国内生产总值能耗
installed hydro power capacity 水电装机容量
nuclear power capacity construction 核电在建规模
photovoltaic power capacity 光伏发电容量
forest stock volume 森林蓄积量
国际空间站ISS(International Space Station)
联合国安全理事会UNSC(United Nations Security Council)
世界遗产委员会WHC(World Heritage Committee)
联合国紧急部队UNEF(United Nations Emergency Force)
联合国宪章UNC(United Nations Chapter)