胡敏读故事记考研词汇 第78期:体验解剖之旅(上)
While I was in college, I took an anatomy class. Every year, the school sponsored a trip to the morgue at the local hospital so each student in the class could be a spectator for a real autopsy.大学时...2013-05-16 编辑:phoenix 标签: 我来听写
胡敏读故事记考研词汇 第77期:万圣节(下)
Naturally, the living did not want to be possessed. So on the night of October 31, a villager would extinguish even the most little spark of fire in his house, making it a cold and undesirable pace...2013-05-15 编辑:phoenix 标签: 我来听写
胡敏读故事记考研词汇 第76期:万圣节(上)
Halloween is an annual celebration in many countries. People usually celebrate Halloween by dressing in costume, and by carving a pumpkin. 万圣节是许多国家每年都要庆祝的节日。这一天,人们通常装扮自己,雕刻南瓜。2013-05-09 编辑:phoenix 标签: 我来听写
胡敏读故事记考研词汇 第75期:垂钓趣事
On Sunday Martin had nothing to do, so he decided to go fishing. 周日马丁无事可做,就打算去钓鱼。He managed to slip out of the house on the sly, before his parents were awake. 他大费周章,赶在他父母睡醒之前悄悄溜了出来。2013-05-07 编辑:phoenix 标签: 我来听写
胡敏读故事记考研词汇 第74期:有好处,也有担心
He hopped the move to the country would give some shape to her life and shatter her illusion that the world owed her something.他希望搬到乡下能使女儿的生活步入正轨,打破她"总觉得世界欠她点什么"的错觉2013-05-02 编辑:phoenix 标签: 我来听写
胡敏读故事记考研词汇 第73期:听哥哥讲网恋囧事
My brother never used much scrutiny when he looked for girlfriends, but even he said that the girl was one of the ugliest he had ever seen.我哥哥在找女友这件事上并不是外貌协会,但即使是这样,他还是承认这个女孩是他见过的最丑的女孩。2013-04-27 编辑:phoenix 标签: 我来听写
胡敏读故事记考研词汇 第72期:听祖母讲故事(下)
She told me about the Leprechaun, a sarcastic and clever spirit who carried a sack of gold. 她给我讲爱尔兰小妖精的故事,那是一种背着金子聪明刻薄的精灵。She told me about fairies who lived in trees, and could make crazy people...2013-04-25 编辑:phoenix 标签: 我来听写
胡敏读故事记考研词汇 第71期:听祖母讲故事(上)
Looking at my grandmother was like seeing a scene from another world.我祖母就像生活在另一个世界的人Unlike my parents, she had never learned to speak English, and spoke only Gaelic.她只讲盖尔语,不像我父母一样学会了说英语2013-04-23 编辑:phoenix 标签: 我来听写
胡敏读故事记考研词汇 第70期:会反驳的电脑(下)
He pressed the restart button. Nothing happened. 他按下重启按钮,然而什么也没发生。Then the message changed."You should learn to respect machines that help you; 屏幕上的提示改变了,"你应该尊重给你提供帮助的机器。"2013-04-18 编辑:phoenix 标签: 我来听写
胡敏读故事记考研词汇 第69期:会反驳的电脑(上)
Unable to restrain himself he jabbed at the keyboard with such force 他失控了,用手猛敲电脑键盘。that the escape key flew into the corner of the room. 退出键飞到了房间一角。He took a deep breath to restore his dignity 他深呼吸...2013-04-16 编辑:phoenix 标签: 我来听写
胡敏读故事记考研词汇 第68期:博物馆之旅(下)
She explained to me that before white people had settled in this area, 她告诉我,在白人来此定居之前,the Native Americans had depended on the buffalo 美国本土人主要依靠野牛to provide them food, leather, and many other essen...2013-04-11 编辑:phoenix 标签: 我来听写
胡敏读故事记考研词汇 第67期:博物馆之旅(上)
When I was growing up, I was surrounded by a lot of American Indian or Native American culture.美国印第安裔文化及本土文化共同伴随着我的成长。I remember visiting a museum and learning about this interesting culture from a...2013-04-08 编辑:phoenix 标签: 我来听写
胡敏读故事记考研词汇 第66期:皇帝的新装(下)
So the king praised the cloth, and decided to wear the new clothes and rejoice with the people, and refresh his city with a great parade. 因此皇帝只好称赞这件衣服,并决定穿上新衣服与民众分享,在城市里举行隆重的游行大典。2013-03-22 编辑:Rainbow 标签: 我来听写
胡敏读故事记考研词汇 第65期:皇帝的新装(上)
However, the Emperor was happy. He took refuge in his closet, where he had a different coat for every hour of the day. 但是,国王却很开心。他躲在自己的更衣室里,每天每隔一小时就会更换一套新衣服。2013-03-21 编辑:Rainbow 标签: 我来听写
胡敏读故事记考研词汇 第64期:Cookies 饼干
After he had been at the school for a year, Billy started to reap the benefits of a boarding school education. 比利来学校一年后,他开始受益于这所寄宿学校的教育。2013-03-15 编辑:Rainbow 标签: 我来听写
课程名称 | 课时 | 价格 | 试听 |
【协议】2015考研英语(一)签约全程班 | 170 | ¥1580 | ![]() |
【协议】2015考研英语(二)签约全程班 | 166 | ¥1580 | ![]() |
2015考研政英签约全程联报班 | 326 | ¥2280 | ![]() |
2015考研政英全程联报班 | 301 | ¥1980 | ![]() |
2015考研政英数全程联报班 | 444 | ¥2980 | ![]() |
2015考研词汇5500【恋练有词 朱伟】 | 50 | ¥380 | ![]() |
2015考研政英西医综合全科签约联报班 | 528 | ¥3580 | ![]() |
