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考研英语易考范文MP3附字幕 第33篇

来源:可可英语 编辑:sunny   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • As can be seen in the picture, a college student parks his car outside the campus.
  • He is equipped with a notebook computer, a digital camera, an MP3 and dressed in clothes of famous brand.
  • Ironically, on the wall behind him there is a slogan advocating independence and thrift among college students.
  • This picture conveys a clear message that college students ought to maintain a rational attitude toward consumption and a positive outlook on life and studies.
  • This phenomenon, in reality, is not uncommon.
  • As a member of a highly consumption-oriented society, young people are increasingly aware of new products and famous brands.
  • However, they are liable to buy things impulsively and less sensibly than the market as a whole.
  • On the other hand, young people are heavily dependent on their parents, who usually exert themselves to satisfy the demands of their children, because most Chinese families have only one child due to the one-child policy.
  • In addition, the fact that college students channel too much energy and time into shopping and keeping up with the Joneses makes it unlikely for them to concentrate on their study, which is the major task for them as students.
  • Since independence, diligence and thrift are virtues many college students lack, it is vital that families, society as well as schools guide them in terms of consumption and impress on them the importance of industry and self-support.


As can be seen in the picture, a college student parks his car outside the campus.

He is equipped with a notebook computer, a digital camera, an MP3 and dressed in clothes of famous brand.

Ironically, on the wall behind him there is a slogan advocating independence and thrift among college students.

This picture conveys a clear message that college students ought to maintain a rational attitude toward consumption and a positive outlook on life and studies.

This phenomenon, in reality, is not uncommon.

As a member of a highly consumption-oriented society, young people are increasingly aware of new products and famous brands.

However, they are liable to buy things impulsively and less sensibly than the market as a whole.

On the other hand, young people are heavily dependent on their parents, who usually exert themselves to satisfy the demands of their children, because most Chinese families have only one child due to the one-child policy.

In addition, the fact that college students channel too much energy and time into shopping and keeping up with the Joneses makes it unlikely for them to concentrate on their study, which is the major task for them as students.

Since independence, diligence and thrift are virtues many college students lack, it is vital that families, society as well as schools guide them in terms of consumption and impress on them the importance of industry and self-support.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
sensibly ['sensəbli]


adv. 容易感知地,有常识地,聪明地

unlikely [ʌn'laikli]


adj. 不太可能的

channel ['tʃænl]


n. 通道,频道,(消息)渠道,海峡,方法

diligence ['dilidʒəns]


n. 勤奋

brand [brænd]


n. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记
vt. 打烙印,

slogan ['sləugən]


n. 标语,口号

concentrate ['kɔnsntreit]


v. 集中,专心,浓缩
n. 浓缩物

impress [im'pres]


n. 印象,特徵,印记
v. 使 ... 有印

addition [ə'diʃən]


n. 增加,附加物,加法

independence [.indi'pendəns]


n. 独立,自主,自立





