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雅思口语:a kind of vegetable(豆角)

编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

  I'd like to talk about Chinese green beans, which are only planted in China.
  I knew that because I've been to Australia once, and one day I went to the market to buy some green beans, but they were totally different from what we had in China. They were long and thin with a hard pod, which could only be fried. But ours are thick with big beans inside, and they taste great when stewed with pork and potatoes. But the guy who worked in the market told me, they were the only green beans available in Australia, and they had never heard of the kind of beans I described. I couldn't believe it, 'cause they were so common in China, and I thought they were supposed to be sold all around the world. I went back home and checked online, that's when I realized this kind of vegetable only grows in China.
  And there's an interesting story I'd like to share with you. One of my friends was so into Chinese green beans that he even tried to bring the seeds back to Australia, thinking that he could plant them in his backyard. But when he was going through customs, the officer confiscated the seeds 'cause it's not allowed.
  Anyway, I'm sure I would miss them a lot after I go abroad.
  甭管真假,反正能骗过考官就行,更何况,考官也不会追究到底澳大利亚有没有卖我们的中国豆角…… 只要不犯一些常识性错误,就大胆的说吧!


  green bean: a type of bean which is a long thin green pod, cooked and eaten whole as a vegetable
  pod: a long thin case filled with seeds that develops from the flowers of some plants, especially peas and beans 例如:
  a pea pod
  a vanilla pod
  customs: the place at a port or an airport where your bags are checked as you come into a country例如:
  to go through customs and passport control
  confiscated: to officially take something away from somebody, especially as a punishment 例如:
  Their land was confiscated after the war.
  The teacher threatened to confiscate their phones if they kept using them in class.

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pod [pɔd]


n. 豆荚 v. 剥掉(豆荚)

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

confiscate ['kɔnfiskeit]


v. 没收,充公,查抄

vanilla [və'nilə]


n. 香草
adj. 香草的,平淡的,乏





