雅思口语物品类的很多题目都可以用电子产品搞定,比如这次轮换题中的两道题目something you bought after watching its advertisement 以及something you bought recently that you're happy with。想想每次手机发布会之前的期待和你当年买新电话时候的欣喜!对了,旧题中的invention别忘了也可以是电话哦!
下面的素材是iPhone 7,8立马就要来了,到时候别忘了更新素材哦。
I'd like to talk about my cellphone, which is an iPhone 7.
I bought it about half a year ago. Believe it or not, before that, I'd never used smartphones, 'cause my parents were afraid that I might get addicted to those games in the App store.
But recently, I just graduated from high school, and they thought it's time to get me a decent phone, so they asked me what kind of phone I want.
So I started to check online, and I saw a commercial for iPhone 7. At that time, it just came on the market, the advertisement was everywhere. It introduced new features and functions of this product, and to be honest, everything was so fascinating to me, you know, for someone who has never owned a smartphone, those user-friendly functions were incredibly awesome. For example, it's waterproof, and it's equipped with high definition front-facing camera. And the new color, bright red, is so gorgeous. And for me, the touch screen is really convenient.
I asked my friends for advice, and they highly recommended the iPhone 7, which was just out on the market. They said Blah Blah Blah... 就可以了。
So without any hesitation, I took my mom to the nearest Apple Store and got the phone I'm using right now. And I have to say, it dramatically changed my lifestyle. I mean, now I could do everything with my phone, like paying bills, shopping online, booking tickets or interacting with my friends on those social networking apps.
如果非要突出“买完了超级哈皮”的情绪,再加些形容词在里面,例如thrilled, over the moon等等。
另外,机经里的另一道题目,“跟手机的愉快经历”,也可以套用这个素材。故事情节基本一样,不过突出一下拿到新手机后,撕开包装开始玩耍的快感就好了。例如新手机如何成为了favorite toy,去app store下载各种好玩儿的应用等等。
believe it or not = used to introduce information that is true but that may surprise people 例如:
Believe it or not, he asked me to marry him!
on the market = available for people to buy 例如:
to put your house on the market
The house came on the market last year.
There are hundreds of different brands on the market.
over the moon = extremely happy and excited 例如:
They're over the moon about their trip to Japan.