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编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

  今天带大家看一下已经出现在雅思口语中N久的话题newspaper报纸。大家看到这道题的第一反应就是“哈,我不看啊~ 那是不是就不会问我了~完美”。但是说实话曾经有两个学生被问到这道题,然后他和她的答案都是我从来不看报纸,从来!But考官还是问了你读哪类报纸?都有什么报纸,报纸重要么?,你的答案对考官来说毫无影响,身为考生的你又不敢直接说“I've told you I never read it.”所以大家千万不要想着投机取巧,还是一道道来看下它都问啥吧~
  1. Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers?
  2. Which is more popular where you live, newspapers or magazines?
  3. What kinds of newspaper do you usually read?
  4. Do you think it is important to read newspapers?
  5. Why do you think people read newspapers?
  6. What different types of newspapers are there in China?
  7. Is the news important to you?
  8. Do you prefer to read about domestic/local news or international news?
  9. What are some methods that newspapers use to attract readers?
  10. What influence do you think newspapers have on society?
  11. Do you think the Internet is a good way to get news?
  12. In the future, do you think more people than today will read magazines, or fewer people?
  13. Do you think newspaper will be very important to you in the future?
  14. Do you think magazines and newspaper will exist 50 years from now?
  1. Like or not
  I am really into fashion and sports magazines, but not a fan of reading academic ones.
  I have a huge fascination for fashion magazines.
  I subscribe to fashion magazines, like vogue.
  Magazine is a good way to follow the trend.
  I used to get all sorts of news mainly on TV or from my friends, but now, thanks to the modern technology, I get news online or by cellphone.
  I prefer to read online news, which is more convenient and updated instantaneously.
  2. Type
  日报 daily newspaper
  晚报 evening paper
  政治报纸 political news
  娱乐报 entertainment news
  头条新闻 big news
  最新新闻 hot news
  独家新闻 exclusive news
  3. international or domestic news
  International newspapers keep track of what has been going on around the world while local ones let me know what's up around me.
  I can be noticed by friends or family members about the things happened nearby.
  4. Disappear?
  I can't agree with this idea, in my eyes, newspaper must have its own irreplaceable strong points.
  They are portable and you can read them anytime anywhere you go.
  News in newspapers might be more reliable.
  For elderly people, they are kind of technophobes (对电脑有恐惧的人,不爱计算机的人), so they just can't use any high-techs well.
  5. Change?
  Color pictures in the newspapers are super eye-catching and jump into my eyes when I glance at newspaper.
  I am always intrigued to know what the news is about.
  It should list some exclusive news and front-page headlines to attract readers at first sight.
  6. Difference between newspaper and magazine
  The most significant visual difference between magazines and newspapers is the cover, the cover of magazines includes the name of the publication and perhaps headlines or teasers about what is inside.
  Magazines are usually printed out on glossy paper while newspapers are normally black and white.
  Those cover girls are adorable and the teasers on the cover are really tempting.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
entertainment [.entə'teinmənt]


n. 娱乐

fascination [.fæsineiʃən]


n. 魔力,魅力

domestic [də'mestik]


adj. 国内的,家庭的,驯养的
n. 家仆,

exclusive [iks'klu:siv]


adj. 独占的,唯一的,排外的
n. 独家新

reliable [ri'laiəbl]


adj. 可靠的,可信的

trend [trend]


n. 趋势,倾向,方位
vi. 倾向,转向



adj. 好奇的;被迷住了的 v. 引起…的兴趣;使迷惑

convenient [kən'vi:njənt]


adj. 方便的,便利的

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

vogue [vəug]


n. 时尚,流行





