Minus-- less, plus-- in addition, up 2--means maximum, down 2 -- minimum, approximately-- this is my sign, it means not equal, but close to, so approximately.
Greater than -- A is more than B, less than, equal, with something, without something.
H2O. What is "H2O"? You dink it every day. Water.
Any little code that you can use to help you write things quickly and remember things quickly, especially things like this...
There's...TOEFL for some reason loves science things, they love science lectures, they love science articles.
Be very comfortable with those because you're going to see a lot of them, okay?
Now, the next thing we're going to look at is abbreviations, which are just as important as the codes.
And again, something that you're going to have to practice and work on, but I'll give you a little bit of a sample to get you started.
Okay. So now we get into the area where it's really more up to you to create your own master list and practice it and study it,
so on test day you can use it and not have any problems.
We're looking at abbreviations, an "abbreviation" means taking a word and squeezing it, making it shorter.
So the abbreviation for abbreviation is "abbr." Okay? Abbreviation.
The most important thing to remember is that you must remember what "abbr." means.
If I see "abbr." in any document, I will automatically understand this means "abbreviation".
Some of these are very common, everybody uses them, some of them, you will have to make your own, and I'll show you how to do that as well.
So for example, you have to be careful sometimes, you have to make yourself little changes, like with a dot.
So "inc." if I have only "inc" without a dot, I understand "increase".
比如说"inc.",如果我看见的没有点,只是"inc", 我会把它理解成"increase"的缩写。
Okay? If I see "inc." with a dot, I understand "incorporate". Okay?