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经典900句突击雅思口语高分 常考话题1-43:城市(3)

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  • 10.What are the differences between big cities and small towns in China?
  • 10.在中国大城市和小城镇有什么不同?
  • On the one hand,there're lots of skyscrapers in big cities.
  • 在一方面,大城市有很多的摩天大楼。
  • Life there is more convenient, and people can enjoy various forms of entertainment.
  • 生活在那里很方便,人们可以在那里享受各式各样的娱乐。
  • Education is better in big cities because there are plenty of excellent teachers and advanced teaching equipments, which is beneficial to the future of children.
  • 大城市的教育更好,因为那里有许多出色的教师以及先进的教学设备,这些对孩子的未来有益。
  • But just as the saying goes,"Every advantage has its disadvantage"; big cities have their own disadvantages.
  • 但是就像老话说的那样,“有利必有弊”;大城市也有其缺点。
  • For example ,big cities are crowded and noisy,and living space is limited.
  • 比如,大城市拥挤喧闹,生活空间有限。
  • On the other hand,small towns have their own advantages.
  • 另一方面来说,小城镇有其优势。
  • For example,life is quieter,and interpersonal relations are easier to deal with.
  • 比如,生活更安静,而且人际关系更好处理。
  • So they are more suitable for old people to live in?
  • 因此很适合老年人居住。
  • 11.What do you think of the future development of Chinese cities?
  • 11.你怎么看中国城市的未来发展?
  • I think great importance should be attached to the modernization and humanization of cities since there'll be more and more city dwellers in the world,
  • 我认为应更注重城市的现代化以及人性化,因为城市居民会越来越多,
  • and habitability of cities should become people's priority.
  • 城市的可居住性成为人们首要考虑的事。
  • 12.What are the advantages and disadvantages of the countryside?
  • 12.农村的优势与劣势是什么?
  • First of all,I'll talk about its advantages. In the countryside,the air is clean, the food is fresh,and houses are usually spacious.
  • 首先,我先说一下优势。在农村,空气清洁,食物新鲜,而且房子通常比较宽敞。
  • People are close to nature. Most of all,country people are simple and kind.
  • 人们接近自然。 最重要的是,农村人朴实亲切。
  • However,just as the saying goes, "No garden is without weeds"; living in the countryside has its own disadvantages.
  • 然而,就像老话说的那样,“没有不长杂草的花园”;生活在农村有其劣势。
  • For example,rural life is dull and monotonous, transportation is not convenient, and markets aren't so advanced.
  • 比如,农村生活单调乏味,交通不便,市场也没有那么先进。
  • And the biggest disadvantage lies in education.
  • 最大的劣势是教育。
  • Children in the countryside don't have access to high-quality education which results in their narrow horizons.
  • 农村的孩子没有接受高质量教育的机会,结果导致他们眼界狭窄。


10. What are the differences between big cities and small towns in China?

10. 在中国大城市和小城镇有什么不同?
On the one hand,there're lots of skyscrapers in big cities. Life there is more convenient, and people can enjoy various forms of entertainment.Education is better in big cities because there are plenty of excellent teachers and advanced teaching equipments,which is beneficial to the future of children. But just as the saying goes,"Every advantage has its disadvantage"; big cities have their own disadvantages. For example ,big cities are crowded and noisy,and living space is limited. On the other hand,small towns have their own advantages. For example,life is quieter,and interpersonal relations are easier to deal with. So they are more suitable for old people to live in?
11. What do you think of the future development of Chinese cities?
11. 你怎么看中国城市的未来发展
I think great importance should be attached to the modernization and humanization of cities since there'll be more and more city dwellers in the world,and habitability of cities should become people's priority.
12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the countryside?
12. 农村的优势与劣势是什么
First of all,I'll talk about its advantages. In the countryside,the air is clean, the food is fresh,and houses are usually spacious. People are close to nature. Most of all,country people are simple and kind. However,just as the saying goes,"No garden is without weeds"; living in the countryside has its own disadvantages.For example,rural life is dull and monotonous, transportation is not convenient,and markets aren't so advanced. And the biggest disadvantage lies in education. Children in the countryside don't have access to high-quality education which results in their narrow horizons.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
convenient [kən'vi:njənt]


adj. 方便的,便利的

dull [dʌl]


adj. 呆滞的,迟钝的,无趣的,钝的,暗的

advanced [əd'vɑ:nst]


adj. 高级的,先进的

monotonous [mə'nɔtənəs]


adj. 单调的

rural ['ru:rəl]


adj. 农村的

limited ['limitid]


adj. 有限的,被限制的

entertainment [.entə'teinmənt]


n. 娱乐

transportation [.trænspə'teiʃən]


n. 运输,运输系统,运输工具

priority [prai'ɔriti]


n. 优先权,优先顺序,优先

beneficial [.beni'fiʃəl]


adj. 有益的,有利的





