edition-embankment An elite town
There would never be an egalitarian society in Middleton,
米德尔顿永远不会成为 平等主义社会.
a beautiful small town bordering an embankment of the St.Louis River.
米德尔顿是一座位于圣 路易斯河岸边的美丽小 镇.
An elite family ruled effectively
and the citizens were quite happy to have such elegant,
市民们也很高兴拥 有如此明君,
although sometimes elusive, rulers.
尽管他们有时也有些 难以捉摸.
Each daily edition of the town paper
spoke eloquently of their efficient town
都大谈特谈这座镇是 如何的高效率,
even listing improvements in the basic elements of life in Middleton.
甚至还列出了米德尔顿 在基本生活要素方面的 改进.
The recent flow of effluent
into the basement of several homes in the town center was quickly cleaned up.
镇中心几户人家地窖的 废水很快就得到了处理
The paper reported
that 5 days had elapsed before the rulers of a nearby town had responded to a similar problem.
邻镇领导在类似问题上 过了五天才做出反应,
In Middleton the problem was fixed and cleaned up within hours.
而在米德尔顿问题在数 小时内就得到了解决.
When news was spread of how good life was in Middleton,
有关米德尔顿的生活是 如何之好的消息传开之 后,
people who had been ejected from other towns began to relocate.
被其他城镇驱逐的人 开始迁移过来.
They hoped to benefit from the elevated standards of Middleten
他们希望能从米德尔顿 提高了的标准中受益,
and live a life of increased efficiency and orderliness.
过一种更有效率、 更有秩序的生活,
This had the opposite effect, however,
可这样做的效果却适 得其反,
and lowered the quality of people in Middleton.
米德尔顿人的生活水 平降低了.
They did not have the elasticity of normal Middleton citizens
他们没有普通米德尔顿 居民的灵活性,
and began to demand more say in how the town was run.
并且开始要求在城镇管 理问题上有更多的发言 权.
The elite developed an elaborate plan
精英们想出了一个周密 的计划
to eliminate these newcomers from Middleton.
把这些新来者从米德 尔顿赶走.
They detailed
that the only people that would be eligible to live in Middleton were those who had born there.
只有在米德尔顿出生的 人才有资格在那里居住
Heavy fines and taxes were placed on those that did not meet this standard.
对那些不符合标准的人 要征收高额罚款和税金
Soon the newcomers left and Middleton returned to normal;
很快新来者都走了, 米德尔顿恢复了正常,
ruled by an elite, but happy.