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攻克雅思超级外教课 第35期:雅思&托福听力练习示范-大学相关词汇(2)

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  • So these are all very common words we use when we talk about university.
  • 在我们谈论大学相关话题的时候经常会用到这些单词。
  • If there are any words here that you don't know the meaning of,
  • 如果这里有你不认识的单词
  • I highly recommend watching some previous videos I've done on these words that explain them fully.
  • ,我强烈推荐你去看看我之前上传的一些关于这些单词的视频,我在里面详细地解释过这些单词的意思。
  • So there will be a link for that, so feel free, if you don't know these words, to click on the link.
  • 稍后我会把链接放上来,所以如果你不认识这些单词的话,尽管打开这条链接。
  • So now what I'm going to have you do is we are going to do a practice listening.
  • 那么现在我要让你做的就是,我们要做一个听力练习。
  • You are going to listen to me tell you a story about university.
  • 你将会听到我讲述一个关于大学的故事。
  • You are going to look at these words, and if you hear me say the word, you're going to put a checkmark right beside the words you hear.
  • 你要看着这些单词,如果你听见我提到了某个单词,就在听到的单词旁边打个勾。
  • If you are on engVid, there's going to be a link that you can click to download these words so you can print them off and have them in front of you.
  • 如果你是在engVid上看这个视频的,那你就可以点击一下这个链接来下载这些单词,以便于你把它们打印出来,拿在手里。
  • Same with on YouTube, if you're watching this off of YouTube, there will be a link you can click on in the description,
  • 在Youtube上看见的也一样,如果你是在Youtube上观看这个视频的话,你会在详情处找到一个链接,点击一下
  • and that will take you to a place where you can download a list of these words.
  • 你就能进入下载页面,就可以把这些单词下载下来了。
  • Otherwise, if you don't want to do that, you can actually just copy them out by hand, just write down these words.
  • 另外,如果你不想这么麻烦的话,也可以直接自己把这些单词抄下来。
  • And then when you're ready, you can listen to me, and all you need to do is if you hear the word, you put a checkmark.
  • 等你准备好之后,就可以听我读下面的故事了。你要做的事情就是,当你听到某个单词的时候,在旁边打个勾。
  • If you don't hear the word in what I'm going to say, then no checkmark.
  • 如果你在我讲的这个故事里没有听到这个单词,就不要打勾了。
  • Okay, so let's get started. So, again, put a checkmark if you hear the word.
  • 好了,那我们开始吧。再说一遍,如果听到了这个单词就打勾。
  • I went to the University of Toronto. I remember when I was an undergrad, I found school very difficult, especially in my freshman year.
  • 我是在多伦多大学上的学。我还记得我读大学的时候,觉得在学校的一切都很困难,尤其是大一那年。
  • I guess the main problem was it was my first time away from home.
  • 我猜主要原因就是那是我第一次离开家。
  • School had always come naturally to me before. I wasn't used to cramming and pulling all-nighters. I naturally had been a straight-A student.
  • 以前,学业对我来说总是很自然的一件事。我过去并不习惯死记硬背和开夜车,但我自然而然就成了一个优秀学生。
  • Now I had to work hard so I wouldn't flunk.
  • 可是现在我必须努力学习才能不挂科。
  • The problem was I was terrified of my prof and my TAs.
  • 问题是,我当时很怕我的教授和助教们。


So these are all very common words we use when we talk about university.

If there are any words here that you don't know the meaning of,
I highly recommend watching some previous videos I've done on these words that explain them fully.
So there will be a link for that, so feel free, if you don't know these words, to click on the link.
So now what I'm going to have you do is we are going to do a practice listening.
You are going to listen to me tell you a story about university.
You are going to look at these words, and if you hear me say the word, you're going to put a checkmark right beside the words you hear.
If you are on engVid, there's going to be a link that you can click to download these words so you can print them off and have them in front of you.
Same with on YouTube, if you're watching this off of YouTube, there will be a link you can click on in the description,
and that will take you to a place where you can download a list of these words.
Otherwise, if you don't want to do that, you can actually just copy them out by hand, just write down these words.
And then when you're ready, you can listen to me, and all you need to do is if you hear the word, you put a checkmark.
If you don't hear the word in what I'm going to say, then no checkmark.
Okay, so let's get started. So, again, put a checkmark if you hear the word.
I went to the University of Toronto. I remember when I was an undergrad, I found school very difficult, especially in my freshman year.
I guess the main problem was it was my first time away from home.
School had always come naturally to me before. I wasn't used to cramming and pulling all-nighters. I naturally had been a straight-A student.
Now I had to work hard so I wouldn't flunk.
The problem was I was terrified of my prof and my TAs.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
recommend [.rekə'mend]


vt. 建议,推荐,劝告
vt. 使成为可取,

previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

description [di'skripʃən]


n. 描写,描述,说明书,作图,类型





