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经典900句突击雅思口语高分 常考话题1-15:交通(1)

编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • 1.What is the most popular transport in China?
  • 1.中国最为流行的交通方式是什么?
  • I think that would be bus, which I think is a result of Chinese people's ever-increasing living standards and ever-growing Chinese economy.
  • 我想应该是公交车。我认为公交是中国人民不断上升的生活水平和经济不断发展的自然结果。
  • You know those days when Chinese were confined to make their way on foot or by bikes are gone forever,
  • 以前,中国人的交通方式局限于步行和骑自行车,
  • here comes the time when we Chinese are offered millions of options: car, bus, subway, train, plane …
  • 现在为中国人提供成千上万交通方式的时代到来了,小骑车,公交车,地铁,火车,私家车,飞机等。
  • but it really depends,depends on which city we are talking about here.
  • 但取决于谈论的是哪个城市。
  • If we are talking about big cities like Beijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou,taxi or private car is going to be the most popular transport,
  • 如果我们谈论的是像北京、上海、广州这样的大城市,出租车或私家车或许是最为流行的交通方式。
  • but when we are talking about small cities, bicycles might turn out to be the most popular transport.
  • 但一些小的城市,自行车 或许成为最为流行的交通方式。
  • 2.What is your favorite transport? Why?
  • 2.你最喜欢的交通方式是什么?
  • Generally speaking, my favorite is taxi.
  • 总的来说,我最喜欢的交通方式之一是出租车。
  • Anytime, anywhere,all it takes just one handwave.
  • 任何时间,任何地点,所有我们需要做的就是招手。
  • And you will never be jammed into teeny,tiny compartment with all the other guys like sardines.
  • 并且你不会因和其他人像沙丁鱼一样被挤在狭小的车间而烦恼。
  • But it really depends. It depends on where I am going.
  • 但还要取决于去哪里。
  • For example, there is no way for me to make my way from Beijing to London by taxi!
  • 比如,我不可能打车从北京到伦敦。
  • It also depends on how much money I have.
  • 也取决于我有多少钱。
  • I can't bear it when the meter running for a long,long time when I am short of money?
  • 很难想象当我缺钱时,能够忍受汽车里程数长时间的上升。
  • 3.What is the bad aspect in terms of transport in China?
  • 3.谈论一些中国交通任何让人不满意的方面?
  • Talking about this question, there are many unimpressive things.
  • 说到这个问题,有许多让人印象深刻的不满之处。
  • The first thing I can think of is traffic jams.
  • 首先我能想到的是交通堵塞问题。
  • You know,the traffic jam is absolutely bloody murder everywhere, especially when it comes to rush hour.
  • 您知道,无处不在的交通堵塞,简直就是血腥杀手,特别是在交通高峰时间。
  • Another bad thing that pops into my head is the air pollution that all the vehicles cause.
  • 另一个呈现在我脑海中的就是由所有汽车引起的空气污染问题。
  • Can you imagine how horrible it would be if someone was uncomfortably sitting in a taxi which was stock among lots of vehicles which were busily leaking smog?
  • 你能想象当人们不舒服的坐在被拥挤在各种排放废气的车辆中的出租车里是多么可怕的事情吗?
  • One more thing jumps into my mind is the crowding of some public vehicles.
  • 更多的呈现在我脑海里的是公交车里的拥挤现象。
  • I am sure no one wants to be pushed into the teeny,tiny compartments with all the people jammed like sardines.
  • 我想没有人愿意和其他人一起被挤在拥挤狭小的车厢里,挤得像沙丁鱼一样。



1. What is the most popular transport in China?
1. 中国最为流行的交通方式是什么
I think that would be bus,which I think is a result of Chinese people, s ever-increasing living standards and ever-growing Chinese economy. You know those days when Chinese were confined to make their way on foot or by bikes are gone forever, here comes the time when we Chinese are offered millions of optionscar,bus,subway,train,planebut it really depends,depends on which city we are talking about here. If we are talking about big cities like Beijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou,taxi or private car is going to be the most popular transport : but when we are talking about small cities,bicycles might turn out to be the most popular transport.
2. What is your favorite transport? Why?
2. 你最喜欢的交通方式是什么
Generally speaking,my favorite is taxi. Anytime, anywhere,all it takes just one handwave. And you will never be jammed into teeny,tiny compartment with all the other guys like sardines. But it really depends. It depends on where I am going. For example, there is no way for me to make my way from Beijing to London by taxi! It also depends on how much money I have. I can't bear it when the meter running for a long,long time when I am short of money?
3. What is the bad aspect in terms of transport in China?
3. 谈论一些中国交通任何让人不满意的方面
Talking about this question,there are many unimpressive things. The first thing I can think of is traffic jams. You know,the traffic jam is absolutely bloody murder everywhere, especially when it comes to rush hour. Another bad thing that pops into my head is the air pollution that all the vehicles cause. Can you imagine how horrible it would be if someone was uncomfortably sitting in a taxi which was stock among lots of vehicles which were busily leaking smog? One more thing jumps into my mind is the crowding of some public vehicles. I am sure no one wants to be pushed into the teeny,tiny compartments with all the people jammed like sardines.

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adj. 无印象的;给人印象不深的;不惹人注意的

pollution [pə'lu:ʃən]


n. 污染,污染物

confined [kən'faind]


adj. 幽禁的;狭窄的;有限制的;在分娩中的 v. 限

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

stock [stɔk]


n. 存货,储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜

transport [træns'pɔ:t]


n. 运输、运输工具;(常用复数)强烈的情绪(狂喜或狂怒

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的





