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剑桥雅思报考指南(MP3+字幕) 第76期:OG34 Recording 62(下)

编辑:mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Today, our number of weak-tie acquaintances has exploded due to the Internet-to the phenomenon of online social networking.
  • 现在,由于互联网的存在,我们的“弱关系”相识数量大幅增加,演变成线上社交网络(现象)。
  • This is still a relatively new way of communication, something that has a huge amount of potential, but also, as with any invention, it brings with it a new set of problems.
  • 这仍然是一个相对较新的交流形式,潜力巨大,但同时,和其它创新一样,也带来一系列新问题。
  • Let's start with the benefits.
  • 先从好处开始。
  • Without question, online social networking allows us to pass on the latest news-to be up-to-date with local and global events.
  • 毫无疑问,线上社交网络能让我们传递最新的信息,紧跟当地和世界事件的脚步。
  • And for many, this information comes from sources more trustworthy than local media.
  • 对很多人来说,这些消息的来源比当地媒体更值得信任。
  • So, this is one clear point in favour of online social networking.
  • 所以,这很明显是支持线上社交网络的。
  • I know that it's also being used by students as a means of increasing their chances of success, in the way that lecture notes can be shared and ideas discussed.
  • 我知道,学生也利用社交网络作为增加成功几率的方式,表现在课堂笔记可以分享,学生可以讨论想法。
  • I think, personally speaking, that we need some further research before we can definitively say whether it helps or not.
  • 个人来说,我认为,在决定到底其是否有利以前,我们需要进一步研究。
  • There's also been a great increase in the number of networking sites devoted to sharing advice on health issues but there are as yet no studies to prove the reliability of that advice.
  • 用以分享健康建议的网站数量也大幅增加,但目前尚无研究证明网站建议的可靠程度。
  • Now, what we do have clear evidence for is that people are developing friendships and professional networks in a way that wasn't possible before - the process is faster.
  • 我们有确凿证据证明,人们正以以前从未有过的方式发展友谊和职业关系网——整个进程加快了。
  • I'm not talking about quality here, but simply that they exist.
  • 我讨论的不是质量,只是他们存在这个事实。
  • And it's debatable whether the number of online friends that you have increases your level of self-confidence-that's perhaps an area of research some of you might be interested in following up.
  • 到底所拥有的网友数量能够增强自信,这仍有待商榷——也许这个研究领域会引起你们进一步关注的兴趣。
  • Turning to the problems, there are any number of articles connecting online activity to falling levels of physical fitness, but it's too easy to blame the Internet for our social problems.
  • 讲讲问题吧。有很多文章都把上网活动和体质下降联系起来,但把社会问题怪到互联网头上未免也太过轻率。
  • The poor grades of school children are also frequently linked to the time spent on social networking sites, but it would be naive to believe there are no other contributing factors.
  • 人们也常把学童成绩不好和孩子在社交网站上花的时间联系起来,但只有天真的人才会相信没有其它影响因素。
  • One real concern, however, is the increase in the amount of fraud, where for example, people are using the personal data of others, which they've put online, for criminal purposes.
  • 真正值得注意的一点,是欺诈行为的增加,比如人们在网上利用他人的个人资料达到犯罪目的。
  • This kind of activity seems likely to continue.
  • 这种行为看上去很可能会持续下去。
  • And then, certainly for employers, online social networking sites have provided a great time-wasting opportunity, reducing productivity like never before and I doubt they can put a stop to this habit, no matter what restrictions are in place.
  • 接着,对雇员来说肯定如此:社交网络给了他们浪费时间的绝佳机会,以绝无仅有的方式降低生产力。我很怀疑人们能不能戒除这一习惯,不管有多少限制条文已经生效。
  • We'll come back to these issues in a minute, but I'd like to say something about the theories of Robin Dunbar, an anthropologist at Oxford University.
  • 我们马上会回到问题上来,但我想说一下罗宾·邓巴的理论,他是一位牛津大学的人类学家。
  • Dunbar has found that the human brain has evolved in a way that means we can only give real attention to a particular number of people,150 apparently.
  • 邓巴发现,人脑已经进化到一定程度,这意味着,我们只能将注意力投放在一定数量的人身上, 约150人。
  • So, for example, if the number of friends on your online network is greater than that, according to Dunbar, this would imply the relationships are only superficial.
  • 所以,举例说明吧,如果你的线上好友数超过150,根据邓巴的理论,这意味着这些人际关系都是非常肤浅的。
  • Dunbar is not against online relationships, but he maintains that face-to-face interaction is essential for the initial creation of true friendship and connections.
  • 邓巴不反对线上关系,但他坚持认为,要建立真正的友谊和关系,面对面互动至关重要。
  • He's concerned that for young people, if their only experience of forming relationships is online - this doesn't allow them to form the ability or acquire the strategies for maintaining relationships.
  • 他很担心年轻人——如果他们只有线上交往的经历,他们就无法建立维持关系的能力,或学习其策略。
  • For example, in situations where negotiation or diplomacy is required, or where it's essential for...
  • 譬如,在需要协商或运用外交手段的场合,或关键是...


Today, our number of weak-tie acquaintances has exploded due to the Internet-to the phenomenon of online social networking.

This is still a relatively new way of communication, something that has a huge amount of potential, but also, as with any invention, it brings with it a new set of problems.
Let's start with the benefits.
Without question, online social networking allows us to pass on the latest news-to be up-to-date with local and global events.
And for many, this information comes from sources more trustworthy than local media.
So, this is one clear point in favour of online social networking.
I know that it's also being used by students as a means of increasing their chances of success, in the way that lecture notes can be shared and ideas discussed.
I think, personally speaking, that we need some further research before we can definitively say whether it helps or not.
There's also been a great increase in the number of networking sites devoted to sharing advice on health issues but there are as yet no studies to prove the reliability of that advice.
Now, what we do have clear evidence for is that people are developing friendships and professional networks in a way that wasn't possible before - the process is faster.
I'm not talking about quality here, but simply that they exist.
And it's debatable whether the number of online friends that you have increases your level of self-confidence-that's perhaps an area of research some of you might be interested in following up.
Turning to the problems, there are any number of articles connecting online activity to falling levels of physical fitness, but it's too easy to blame the Internet for our social problems.
The poor grades of school children are also frequently linked to the time spent on social networking sites, but it would be naive to believe there are no other contributing factors.
One real concern, however, is the increase in the amount of fraud, where for example, people are using the personal data of others, which they've put online, for criminal purposes.
This kind of activity seems likely to continue.
And then, certainly for employers, online social networking sites have provided a great time-wasting opportunity, reducing productivity like never before and I doubt they can put a stop to this habit, no matter what restrictions are in place.
We'll come back to these issues in a minute, but I'd like to say something about the theories of Robin Dunbar, an anthropologist at Oxford University.
Dunbar has found that the human brain has evolved in a way that means we can only give real attention to a particular number of people,150 apparently.
邓巴发现,人脑已经进化到一定程度,这意味着,我们只能将注意力投放在一定数量的人身上, 约150人。
So, for example, if the number of friends on your online network is greater than that, according to Dunbar, this would imply the relationships are only superficial.
Dunbar is not against online relationships, but he maintains that face-to-face interaction is essential for the initial creation of true friendship and connections.
He's concerned that for young people, if their only experience of forming relationships is online - this doesn't allow them to form the ability or acquire the strategies for maintaining relationships.
For example, in situations where negotiation or diplomacy is required, or where it's essential for...

重点单词   查看全部解释    
particular [pə'tikjulə]


adj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的

evidence ['evidəns]


n. 根据,证据
v. 证实,证明

fitness ['fitnis]


n. 适合度(生物学术语) n. 健康

diplomacy [di'pləuməsi]


n. 外交

fraud [frɔ:d]


n. 骗子,欺骗,诈欺

anthropologist [.ænθrə'pɔlədʒist]


n. 人类学家

debatable [di'beitəbl]


adj. 有疑问的,有争议的,成问题的

productivity [.prɔdʌk'tiviti]


n. 生产率,生产能力

phenomenon [fi'nɔminən]


n. 现象,迹象,(稀有)事件

reliability [ri.laiə'biliti]


n. 可靠性





