Well, as I said before, you can find rock art all over the world, but I'd like to focus now on the rock art of the Aboriginal people of Australia.
The images that survive in this part of the world span at least 20,000 years.
In fact, the Aborigines were still practising this art form in the late 18th century, when the Europeans began to arrive, and certain images point to the contact between them.
For example, the Aborigines began to draw ships which they would have seen along the coast. It's hard for us to imagine what they must have thought when these first began to appear.
Another image that is evidence of European arrival is that of horses: an animal that would have been very alien to the Australian landscape.
Um, it isn't actually known how many sites there are across Australia where rock art can be found, but unfortunately we do know that much of the art is being lost to us.
Erosion, of course, is one of the key reasons for its destruction, but human activity is also increasingly responsible.
Since the 1960s, industry alone has destroyed around an estimated 10,000 pieces of art.
At this rate, in 50 years, half of all Australian rock art could have disappeared for good.
Vandalism is sadly another factor. And although most people, I believe, would wish to preserve this art, I'm afraid that tourism is another reason why the art is disappearing.
In some cases, the art is damaged when...