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  Some people think playing computer games is bad for children on everything. Others think it has some positive on the way children develop. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. 有人认为计算机游戏对于孩子是有害的,有人认为计算机游戏对于孩子的发展有积极的影响,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见?
  Films and computer games containing violence are popular. Some people say they have negative effect on society and should be banned. Others say they are just harmless relaxation. Discuss both views and give your own opinion? 电影和计算机游戏中含有暴力元素,因此受欢迎,有人认为他们对于社会的影响是消极的,有人认为,他们仅仅是无害的娱乐方式,讨论两种观点?
  A study shows that a lot of children from the age 7 to 11 spend too much time watching television or playing video games. How do you think this problem influence the children their families and the society? What measures should be taken to solve it? 研究显示:7岁到11岁的年轻人花费太多时间看电视,玩游戏,这对于孩子,家庭和社会的影响何在? 应该如何解决?
  首段:背景介绍 (个性开篇)+ 争议焦点(句型引导)+作家立场(清晰表达)
  【作家立场】 沉迷于网络游戏,对于孩子而言,是弊大于利。
  2. 网络游戏中的不良信息对于青少年会产生不良的影响,因为游戏中包含的色情、暴力、血腥的信息,会误导年轻人的人生观,毒害他们纯净的心理,诱发他们暴力的冲动,使得校园欺凌增加。
  3. 对于家庭,孩子们沉迷网络游戏会疏远家庭关系,不利于亲子交流,因为孩子们玩网络游戏时间多,和家人交流时间就少。
  1. 网络游戏是孩子们在紧张的生活之余,放松身心的很好的一种的方式。
  2. 网络游戏也有助于孩子们智力开发,培养他们的反应能力或者团队意识。
  【首段】 背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场
  Many children always take playing on-line games as the only source of their entertainment that is why numerous parents are concerned by the fact that their children are spending too much time playing computer games. As I see it, the demerits of allowing children to play on-line games outbalance its possible demerits.
  The demerits of allowing children to play on-line games outbalance its possible demerits. 容许孩子们玩网络游戏是弊大于利。
  Indeed, on no account can we overlook the potential downsides triggered by allowing children to be engrossed in computer games. First, excessive exposure to on-line games might decrease the players' creativity and imagination. Meanwhile, the craziness about games is physically detrimental because it reduces physical activities, imaginably, the sedentary lifestyle would increase the likelihood of obesity. Further, we can never ignore the negative impacts caused by games in terms of family relationship. The more time children spend on TV or game, the less time they could allocate to family communication. Last, the current game contents are besieged with pornography, violence and blood. Consequently, they might corrupt one's innocent mind, arouse one's violent impulse and mislead one's life outlook. Thus,those adult-only contents contained in computer games are also the possible root causes of school bullying.
  1. Indeed, on no account can we overlook the potential downsides triggered by …… 任何情况下我们都不能忽视由于……引起的弊端
  2. Those adult-only contents contained in computer games are also the possible root causes of school bullying 电子游戏中包含的少儿不宜信息同样可能是校园欺凌的根源。
  3. The current game contents are besieged with pornography, violence and blood. 当前的游戏经常充斥着色情,暴力和血腥。
  【三段】 对方立场的展开:(网络游戏的利好)
  Others,however,might remain suspicious of stand. Some people might think it won't hurt to allow children to play on-line games. An argument hold by some people is that playing electronic games can provide players with much pleasure, playing games is an effective to relax one's body and ease one's mind, especially when students are under a pool of pressure. Also, some people think that playing computer games help develop the players' intelligence and teamwork spirit because many challenging team games need strategy and co-operation. Nonetheless, what I want to rebut is that indulgence in computer games might make one get addicted or become social inadequate in real life.
  1. Others,however,might remain suspicious of stand. 也许有人对我的立场表示怀疑
  2. it won't hurt to do sth v做……是没有坏处的
  3. become social inadequate in real life v在现实生活中变得力不从心
  4. Nonetheless, what I want to rebut is that 但是,我想反驳的是……
  【尾段】 再次亮明观点
  Overall,allowing children to play on-line game can be a double-edged sword, which can be used for equally good or evil. However, it is unwise to allow those who are in the formative years to overindulge in on-line games.
  1. …… can be a double-edged sword, which can be used for equally good or evil ……是一把双刃刀,有利有弊。
  2. overindulge in v过度沉迷

  1. impair one's eyesight v 有害视力
  【解析】 impair v 损坏(尤其是指器官的受损,为亮点表达)
  2. make one get into the habit of sedentary lifestyle and laziness v使人养成懒惰和久坐的习惯
  3. contribute to obesity v 导致肥胖
  4. It may cause the children to be reluctant to do outdoor activities. 它可能会导致孩子们不愿意从事户外活动。
  5. develop one's intelligence v开发智力
  6. is an effective way to relax one's body and ease one's mind v 是放松身心的有效的方式
  7. The study will delayed. 耽误学习
  8. Parents are worried that being engrossed in games students are distracted from study. 家长担心痴迷于游戏会使学生学习分心。
  9. Many parents are concerned by the fact that their children are spending too much time playing computer games. 很多的父母因为子女花大量的时间玩电脑游戏而忧心忡忡。
  10. Numerous children always take playing on-line games as the only source of their entertainment 很多孩子总是把网络游戏当成是娱乐的唯一源泉。
  11. As a result of the addition to electronic games, those who are in the formative years often ignore the outside world. 因为沉溺于电子游戏,成长中的年轻人经常对外面的世界视而不见。
  12. pornographic or bloody contents n 色情或者血腥的内容
  13. corrupt one's innocent mind v 腐蚀纯净的心灵
  14. arouse one's violent impulse v诱发暴力的冲动
  15. mislead one's life outlook v 误导人生观
  16. Being the passive receiver, children may be slow in developing creativity after spending too much time in front of the computer. 孩子们在玩游戏的时候仅仅是被动的接受者。在计算机前坐久了,他们在创造力方面的发展可能就会比较缓慢。
  17. Today's on-line games often provide either some superficial information or some distorted representations of the reality such as too much violence and pornography. 如今的网络游戏要么提供一些肤浅的信息,要么提供过多的暴力,色情等歪曲现实的信息。
  18. Playing electronic games can provide people with much fun and pleasure玩电脑游戏可以给人带来很多的乐趣
  19. Playing computer games help develop their intelligence and creativity玩电脑游戏有利于开发智力和培养创造力。
  20. Playing computer games might lead to young people's aggressive behaviour. 玩网络游戏可能会导致年轻人更具有攻击性。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
obesity [əu'bi:siti]


n. 肥胖,肥大

strategy ['strætidʒi]


n. 战略,策略

detrimental [.detri'mentl]


adj. 有害的 n. 有害的人或事

pressure ['preʃə]


n. 压力,压强,压迫
v. 施压

violent ['vaiələnt]


adj. 暴力的,猛烈的,极端的

entertainment [.entə'teinmənt]


n. 娱乐

exposure [iks'pəuʒə]


n. 面临(困难),显露,暴露,揭露,曝光

relaxation [.ri:læk'seiʃən]


n. 松弛,放松,消遣

contribute [kən'tribju:t]


vt. 捐助,投稿
vi. 投稿,贡献,是原因

overall [əuvə'rɔ:l]


adj. 全部的,全体的,一切在内的





