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剑桥雅思报考指南(MP3+字幕) 第9期:OG02 Recording 11

编辑:mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Recording 11
  • 录音11
  • Listening Section 1
  • 听力部分1
  • Hi Sam, we'd better start planning the party, it's in less than two weeks, isn't it?
  • 山姆,你好,我们最好开始计划这场派对了,还有不到两周时间,不是吗?
  • Yeah, I guess it is. There isn't much to do, is there?
  • 对,我想是的。没有太多事情要做,对吧?
  • Well, we need to sort out food, for a start. Why don't we just order some pizzas?
  • 我们要先准备好食物。我们为何不直接订些披萨呢?
  • But we always do that. Let's do something a bit different. Besides, it's pretty expensive.
  • 但我们总是这么做。做点别的吧。再说了,这很贵。
  • What about a barbecue then, or we could just do hot dogs.
  • 那烧烤怎么样,或者我们只提供热狗。
  • Hmm, too much preparation involved. There are a lot coming, you know.
  • 准备工夫太多了。你要知道会有很多人来。
  • Sandwiches then? That's easy enough.
  • 那三明治呢?足够简单。
  • Sandwiches? That's a good idea. Hmm, hang on, that would be even more preparation than the barbecue! Better go back to the original idea, I suppose.
  • 三明治?这主意不错。等等,这要准备的比烧烤还多。我想还不如回到最初的想法呢。
  • Pizzas it is, then!
  • 那就是披萨了。
  • Now, we also need to think about music, and invitations. Well, we don't need to buy invitations, I think we should just do them on the computer and keep costs down.
  • 现在,我们还需要想想音乐,和邀请函。我们不需要买邀请函,我觉得我们只要直接在电脑上做(发邀请函)就行了,节省成本。
  • Good idea. And what about music? We can just use the same stuff we had last time. It's fine.
  • 好主意。那音乐呢?我们直接用和上次一样的就行了。没问题的。
  • OK, well, if we don't let people know soon there won't be anyone there. So let's make that our priority. Have you got your laptop? Yeah, told you there wasn't much to do.
  • 好吧,如果我们不尽快告诉别人,到时候就没人来了。所以先做这件事吧。你的手提电脑在吗?告诉你了,没有太多事情要做。
  • Listening Section 3
  • 听力部分3
  • Hi, Julie, have you got time to plan our project?
  • 朱莉,你好,你有时间计划一下我们的项目吗?
  • Sure, I've got a few minutes. We need to choose a topic based on the theme of pollution, don't we?
  • 当然,我有些空闲时间。我们需要在“污染”这个主题的基础上选个课题,对吧?
  • That's right. Have you got any preferences? Well, I did a huge assignment on water pollution last year so we could just do that?
  • 对。你有什么想做的吗?我去年在水污染课题做了一项较为大型的作业,我们能直接做这方面吗?
  • Actually, the tutor did make a point of saying not to use last year's materials. So we'd better not.
  • 事实上,老师强调不能用去年的材料。我们最好不要。
  • It's probably a bit out of date now anyway. Also, it focused specifically on industry and I think we're supposed to take a broad view.
  • 它现在也有点过时了。而且,它专门关注工业,我想我们应该要视野放宽些。
  • That's right. We could look at something totally different, like the effects of fumes on air quality.
  • 对。我们能看看完全不同的课题,比如烟雾对空气质量的影响。
  • Hmm, good idea. And we could make sure we include all of the sources, like traffic and factories.
  • 好主意。我们要确保我们涵盖了所有的来源,像交通和工厂。
  • So, what else do we need to do? Shall we go to the library and look for resources?
  • 那么,我们还有别的事情要做吗?我们要去图书馆查找资料吗?
  • Actually, I think we'd be better off looking online.
  • 事实上,我觉得我们最好上网查。
  • The good resources in the library are often all out at this time of the year.
  • 图书馆里的好资源在每年这个时候通常都全被借走了。
  • Anyway, before we notify the tutor which topic we've chosen, I think we need to ask the others what they're doing.
  • 不管怎样,在我们告诉老师我们选的课题之前,我们需要问问其他人他们做的是什么。
  • You're right. We need to make sure we're not all doing the same thing. Let's ask them this afternoon in the tutorial. Great idea.
  • 你说得对。我们要确保我们大家不是在做一样的课题。今天下午上课时问问他们吧。好主意。



Recording 11

Listening Section 1
A: Hi Sam, we'd better start planning the party, it's in less than two weeks, isn't it?
B: Yeah, I guess it is. There isn't much to do, is there?
A: Well, we need to sort out food, for a start. B: Why don't we just order some pizzas?
A: But we always do that. Let's do something a bit different. Besides, it's pretty expensive.
B: What about a barbecue then, or we could just do hot dogs.
A: Hmm, too much preparation involved. There are a lot coming, you know.
B: Sandwiches then? That's easy enough.
A: Sandwiches? That's a good idea. Hmm, hang on, that would be even more preparation than the barbecue! Better go back to the original idea, I suppose.
B: Pizzas it is, then!
A: Now, we also need to think about music, and invitations. B: Well, we don't need to buy invitations, I think we should just do them on the computer and keep costs down.
A: Good idea. And what about music? B: We can just use the same stuff we had last time. It's fine.
A: OK, well, if we don't let people know soon there won't be anyone there. So let's make that our priority. Have you got your laptop? B: Yeah, told you there wasn't much to do.
Listening Section 3
A: Hi, Julie, have you got time to plan our project?
B: Sure, I've got a few minutes. We need to choose a topic based on the theme of pollution, don't we?
A: That's right. Have you got any preferences? B: Well, I did a huge assignment on water pollution last year so we could just do that?
A: Actually, the tutor did make a point of saying not to use last year's materials. So we'd better not.
B: It's probably a bit out of date now anyway. Also, it focused specifically on industry and I think we're supposed to take a broad view.
A: That's right. We could look at something totally different, like the effects of fumes on air quality.
B: Hmm, good idea. And we could make sure we include all of the sources, like traffic and factories.
A: So, what else do we need to do? Shall we go to the library and look for resources?
B: Actually, I think we'd be better off looking online.
The good resources in the library are often all out at this time of the year.
Anyway, before we notify the tutor which topic we've chosen, I think we need to ask the others what they're doing.
A: You're right. We need to make sure we're not all doing the same thing. Let's ask them this afternoon in the tutorial.
B: Great idea.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
original [ə'ridʒənl]


adj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的

assignment [ə'sainmənt]


n. 分配,功课,任务,被指定的(课外)作业;(分派的)

recording [ri'kɔ:diŋ]


n. 录音 动词record的现在分词

pollution [pə'lu:ʃən]


n. 污染,污染物

priority [prai'ɔriti]


n. 优先权,优先顺序,优先

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

theme [θi:m]


n. 题目,主题

tutor ['tju:tə]


n. 家庭教师,导师
v. 当家庭教师,当导师





