本次考试的题型的组合还是一如从前,难易搭配,有让烤鸭们想抓墙的 matching和 list of headings, 出镜率一直很稳定的判断题,不过当然还有大家最爱的填空题啦~
首先,我们来看下哪些题是属于填空题的。填空题包括 summary,table/flow chart/ diagram, sentence completion,answer questions。这些题都有着一些共有的特征,首先我们来看第一个特征,词数限制,这个是审题时必看的,若题目说 NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS, 那么其实就是在暗示本题至少有一个空是要达到最大词限的,也就是 3 个词,所以同学们最后做完题时,要检查一下有没有达到题目的要求。第二个特征是按序,这对于定位是非常有帮助的,从而同学们可以利用夹击法进行快速解题。有些同学一拿到一个题目,就争分夺秒地,埋着头从第一题刷刷刷开始去找定位词。这里建议同学们最好纵览整个题型,从最容易定位的一小题突破,即包含时间,大写字母,符号等这些显眼定位词,然后根据按序原则各个突破。另外一个建议是,定位时最好 2~3 题一起进行,可以节省时间。另外,就本次考到的文章话题,下面给大家推荐相关的真题文章阅读和课外阅读,
【passage 1】 调查一个成功的英国网站
题型: T/F/NG; 填空题
Cambridge4 Test3 Passage1
Micro-Enterprise Credit for Street Youth
Cambridge6 Test3 Passage2
Motivating Employees under Adverse Conditions新东方雅思考试网 http://ielts.xdf.cn/
The Future Of Shopping: Niche E-Commerce Websites
IBM Institute for Business Value surveyed 26,000 shoppers in 14 countries, across a
range of non-grocery retail categories, and how consumers perceive and interact with
retail channels. The most important trends revealed by this research: 'Traditional
retailers must be able to reach consumers along multiple platforms. By blending both
local shopping trips and online shopping, retailers will provide a shopping experience
that can lead to brand loyalty and repeat sales.'
Read more:
【Passage 2】英国一种鸟类的保护
题型:List of Headings; answer questions; multiple choice
Cambridge7 Test4 Passage2
Endless Harvest
Cambridge5 Test4 Passage3
The Effects of Light on Plant and Animal Species
Bird extinction rate on the rise, study finds
From the flightless dodo in Mauritius to the passenger pigeon in North America, 279
bird species and subspecies have vanished in the last 500 years, researchers estimate.
The rate of extinctions worldwide peaked in the early 1900s and then started to
decline, but a new study found that bird die-outs have been on the rise since the
middle of the 20th Century.
Read more:
Conservationists Try to Prevent African Penguin Extinction
【Passage 3】 人类语言进化
题型:T/F/NG; matching新东方雅思考试网 http://ielts.xdf.cn/
Cambridge4 Test2 Passage1
Lost of Words
Cambridge4 Test3 Passage3
Obtaining Linguistic Data
Cambrige9 Test3 Passage1
Attitudes to Languages
Origin of language
The origin of language in the human species has been the topic of scholarly
discussions for several centuries. In spite of this, there is no consensus on its ultimate
origin or age. One problem that makes the topic difficult to study is the lack of direct
evidence. Consequently, scholars wishing to study the origins of language must draw
inferences from other kinds of evidence such as the fossil record or from
archaeological evidence, from contemporary language diversity, from studies of
language acquisition, and from……
Read more:
Evolution Of Languages
Languages have always changed and evolved and always will do. The evolution of
languages is not something that can be stopped, nor something which can really be
controlled. It is an organic process, often happening very slowly as languages, and the
people who use them, change.
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