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剑桥雅思教材加配套听力第一册 Unit4 Section1(1)

编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet



F = Female student
M = Male student
C = Clerk

F: Excuse me. Can you help me? I was looking for the Main Hall.
M: Maybe I can, actually. I'm looking for the Main Hall, too. I think it's in the Example Administration building. Are you a new student?
F: Yes, I am.
M: I thought you looked as lost as me. I'm trying to find the admin building, too, so that I can register for my course. But I don't seem to be having much luck.
F: Well, look, according to this map of the campus here, you go straight up the steps, turn left and the building is on the right. OK, let's see if we can find it. Q1
M: Oh, this looks right. Oh, yeah, it must be. Look, there are hundreds of other people here!
F: There must be at least 50 people in the queue — we'll be here till gone 2 Q2 o'clock at this rate.
M: And I'm starving!
F: So am I.
M: Actually, I was on my way to the canteen to get something for lunch. Why don't I go to the canteen and buy something and you stay here and wait?
F: Good idea.
M: What would you like? Pizza, sandwich, hot dog, fried rice. They do everything...
F: Oh, something easy. Take away fried rice sounds good.
M: OK, fried...
F: No, on second thoughts, I'll have a cheese and tomato sandwich. Q3
M: Right one cheese and tomato—anything to drink?
F: Yeah, get me a coffee, would you?
M: Oh, hot coffee's a bit hard to carry. What about a coke or an orange juice?
F: Oh, um ... get me an orange juice, then. Look, here's five dollars. Q4
M: Oh, take two dollars back, it shouldn't cost me more than three dollars.
F: Well, keep the five and we'll sort it out later. Oh, and could you get me an Q5 apple as well?
M: OK. Back in a minute.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
administration [ə'streiʃən]


n. 行政,管理,行政部门

register ['redʒistə]


v. 记录,登记,注册,挂号
n. 暂存器,记





