@Puppy希: 听力, s1买小孩玩具,木马巧克力盒子价钱网站。s 2,昆士兰岛节日。s3 ,大学设施的意见。s4, 海洋生物学家演讲
@Puppy希: 阅读1,一个会好多好多的神人。2学生不良行为的研究。3,苏联工作制度。激动啊提到了管理学过的泰勒管理和福特生产线
@Mr小申:0721雅思写作题目:小作文是两张线图,population urban rural. Age。大作文是In most cities and towns, the high volumes of road traffic become a problem. What is the causes of that and what actions could be taken to solve the problem?
@爱伦1211 :小作文是两个关于人口的line graphs 比较
老夏,我这边悉尼考完了。大作文是report,traffic problem on roads in main cities and towns. What's causes? What's your opinions according to your knowledge and experience.